Friday, January 21, 2011


     I sat down in the crowded auditorium where the local Christian high school graduation was taking place. Doing my best to stay awake through it all, my attention like many in the room, was now being focused on the special speaker.What stood out to me that day was just how tall this man was from a small town called Hope. He had just won re-election as Governor after being beaten once before. Though I had not voted for him in the election, I was still impressed by his ability to communicate to the people in the room. He had a way to make you feel as though he were talking to you and to you alone. Looking around the room I saw a few state troopers who were there to watch over him. After the ceremony many would have the honor of visiting and shaking his hand. Like many, little did I realize, that Bill Clinton would one day be the President of the Untied States.

     Flash forward several years later. Julie and I were now living in Grand Junction Colorado. We had been invited to a special event down at the local courthouse. It was such a beautiful day in that part of the country. The sun was shining so brightly and there was such a clean smell in the air. President George Bush Sr. was now in town after we had just won the first Gulf War. What stood out to us that day, was the huge amount of security that had now come into our part of the world. We had to go through a screening process. On top of some of the local buildings by the courthouse, men stood with weapons and walkie- talkies. State troopers were all around the courthouse and among us. When President Bush came out upon the steps, the crowd went wild with applause. After he had spoken, he reached out to many, to visit and shake their hands. What an honor to have been in the presence of our President.

     I feel blessed as an American to have had the opportunity to  be in the presence of two Presidents. It is an honor no matter what our political persuasion is to be able to meet with our leaders. With all of that being said though, I am also reminded of the limited access that we have. These leaders do not know me personally and the possibility of them coming to have a cup of tea with me, is somewhere in the realm of ZILCH, NADA no NEVER. This is not said with disrespect, (although it would be cool if they came on by and said Hi) these men do not have any type of relationship with me. I might be able to shake their hand or visit with them for a moment, but the conversation will never be deep or long.

     When I reflect upon my lack of access to these men I am reminded of the following incredible truth. We can enter into the presence of the King of Kings. Think about this for a moment. The one who created the stars, the moon and even these men, gives me access into His presence. When Moses looked upon his backside, his face shone with the glory of God so much he had to wear a veil. When Isaiah saw Him he cried out, "Woe is me for I am undone." The apostle John had walked with Him for over three years, yet when he saw Him in heaven he fell at his feet as though he were dead. I am even more vile then they were and yet He tells me to draw nigh into His presence.

     In the Old Testament the temple represented to the people the very presence of God here on earth. They were to treat it with the greatest of all respect. A veil was placed between the Holy place and what was called the Holy of Hollies. No man could come into this room other then the High Priest. The access was limited because of His holiness. Through Christ death though, that veil has been torn, so that we may enter in. We who do not deserve to even be near Him, have been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. I am now allowed to enter in and fellowship with the God of the universe.

     This is why prayer is so special to all of us. When you and I pray, we are entering past the veil. We are not talking to a mere human being but the God who loves us. Here is the best part of all, He knows me in a personal way. Warts and all He loves me and wants me to talk to Him. There are no guards around Him. I do not have to be, "In the loop." He wants me as lowly as I am, to come into His presence and reveal all of my secrets, my failures, my hopes, my request and my dreams and lay them at His feet.

     We have been invited not to see a President but to bow before the King of all Kings. I have a relationship with Him as a Son. I have access to His throne room and as a believer so do you.

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