Can you hear the shepherd’s laughter?
Can’t you just sense the angel’s sheer delight?
For the people who once walked in darkness,
Can now walk in His glorious light.
In a land where there was nothing but darkness,
They searched for answers from spirits in the
Yet, God sent His only son to walk beside us,
The infant king who would bear the ultimate
Can you hear the shepherd’s laughter?
Can’t you just sense the angel’s sheer delight?
For the people who once walked in darkness,
Can now walk in His glorious light.
He would live among the wretched, weak and
Touch the hands of those abandoned and unloved,
Weep over a city that would mock and abuse Him,
Yet, took nails meant for us and bore our
Can you hear the shepherd’s laughter?
Can’t you just sense the angel’s sheer delight?
For the people who once walked in darkness,
Can now walk in His glorious light.
In our hearts there was nothing but darkness,
Completely filled with pride and selfish
The Savior came to give us light and life,
Our souls can be set free and gladly in Him
Can you hear the shepherd’s laughter?
Can’t you just sense the angel’s sheer delight?
For the people who once walked in darkness,
Can now walk in His glorious light.