Matthew 5:27 ( ESV )
· The Pharisees would only look at this act as
physical. Christ will bring up that the act of adultery and sexual sin starts
within the mind.
Adultery is a sin that involves one party or
both parties that are married and have sex with one another. Often though it
was used interchangeably with the idea of any type of fornication outside of
“It was said.” Look at the following
passages. Ex. 20:14 you shall not commit
adultery. Lev. 20:10/Dt. 22:22 involved
the death penalty. (It was not a small sin to God.), I Cor. 6:9-10 The one who practices it will not
inherit the kingdom of God.
Matthew 5:28 ( ESV )
28But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful
intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
But I say-With the same authority as the Word of
God because He is the Word of God incarnate.
Looks-Not the idea of seeing a woman scantily
dressed but rather looking to gaze and examine her. A going out of the way to
fantasize. He beholds her with regard.
Lustful-Idea is to desire or to be covetous
about. I want what I do not rightly
possess and something that is another person’s. (In this case another man’s or
The sin of adultery as well as all sexual sins
starts with the eye gate.
Job knew this and he accordingly in Job 31:1
made a covenant with his eyes that he would not gaze upon a woman with this kind
of intent. He knew there would be consequences.
Job 31:2 Job knew he would lose an inheritance
or reward that God had for him.
Job 31:3-8 Job knew he would face punishment.
Job 31:9-12 Job knew he would possibly lose his
wife and receive earthly punishment.
The person who lives this type of lifestyle with
his eyes and within his heart has already in God’s eyes committed adultery.
These verses fly not only in the face of sexual immorality between people but
also can be used to deal with phone conversations, sexting and pornography.
Matthew 5:29-30 ( ESV )
29If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away.
For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be
thrown into hell.
30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it
away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole
body go into hell.
Drastic, How serious of an issue is this to
Jesus? Jesus in not advancing the mutilation of
our bodies. (This would be the cure, if sexual sin was just physical but
the above verses state that it is far more than just that. He is trying to get
us to see just how drastic we should be about dealing with this issue.) If it
was literal than none of us would be able to see or touch each other again.
The words, “Cause you to sin,” has the idea of
to scandalize, trip us up or to cause to stumble. Anything that would cause us
to stumble we are to avoid or run away from. Think about Joseph in Potiphar’s
house it’s time to run away.
The point is that it would be more profitable to
lose members of our body than to bear the consequences of the guilt from
falling into this sin.
Is this physical or temporal pleasure worth
their eternal consequences? The words used here tear, throw it away and cut it
off have the idea of to do so with force. These are violent acts and we must
determine to deal with sexual sins in a drastic way rather than listening to
the sirens of this world.