One of the things
that I love to do may sound strange to some of you. You see, I love getting in
a car late at night and turning on my music. When we did evangelistic work,
Julie would crash on our long trips. I would do one of two things. The first
was to enjoy the silence for a while and spend time in prayer. The second was
to simply put on the tunes. I was thinking about that today when I was at work
counting parts for inventory.
When I was a kid,
one of my favorite memories was that of being in the car as a family. My Father,
even before he was saved, loved to sing some of the old hymns. All four of us
would sing. It truly was terrible. My
Father’s singing could only be stated as that of a joyful noise. The wild part
is, I miss it. I still love to hear my brother’s voice and his ability to
harmonize and make even the worst of singers look good.
Other than the
Word of God, music can encourage me quicker than anything that I know. I am
still amazed at some of the old hymns and their influence in my life. Daily, I am reminded of the grace of God that
has been shown. Almost every day, two songs that remind of the grace of God are
constantly played within my mind. My
favorite line in all of the great hymns is found in the song,” The Comforter
has come”. I am brought to the point of tears when I hear these words, “That I
a child of Hell, should in His image shine, The Comforter has come.”
The other is that
of a former slave trader, who found the grace of God could even be bestowed
upon him. I understand his gratefulness to God when he would write, “Amazing
grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once
was lost but now I am found, was blind but now I see.” There is no way that I
could ever repay Him for His grace that has been shown. I do not, to this day,
understand it nor will I ever.
I am reminded of
an older gentleman, by the name of George, who I met earlier in my ministry. He
had lost the dearest thing in the world to him only a couple of years earlier,
when his wife had died. His health was not all that great and you could tell he
was surrounded by the sounds of silence in his home. We talked much about his
love for his wife and about seeing her once again. He then looked at me and
began to sing these words, “My Jesus I love thee, I know thou art mine.” We
both sat in the silence and sang that song together as the sun slowly began to
set over the hills of Arkansas.
When I was in
Bible College, I had received some pretty heavy news. I walked past all the
students and sat out on a rock. I sat out there for about 20 minutes and headed
back to the chapel where the students now gathered for services. When I opened up those chapel doors, I heard
these words being sung, “My sin not in part but the whole, it is nailed to the
cross and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my Soul. And
Lord, haste the day, when my faith shall be sight the clouds be rolled back as
a scroll, the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, even so it is
well with my soul, It is well, It is well, with my soul.” This is still my
favorite Hymn of all.
Here of late when
have been looking for the Lord’s guidance as we seek His will in what He would
have us to do next. Praying, asking, seeking His face and waiting is never easy
to do. Once again though I am reminded by what Brother Dorsey said and it
brings the greatest of comfort. “Precious Lord take my hand, lead me on help me
stand, I am weak , I am worn, through the storm, through the night, lead me on
to the light, take my hand precious Lord and lead me on.”
We have been
blessed by so many of you as brothers and sisters. You have been praying,
caring and watching out for us. It has truly been a humbling experience. We
understand what the songwriter meant when he said, “Blest be the tie that
binds, our hearts in Christian love.” Thank you can never be enough we are
blessed to have you as our spiritual family.
It’s one of those
nights that I wish that I could just load on up in the car. Listen to some
Christian music and sing as loud as I can. How I pray that, “You will speak to
one another in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs and making melody in your
heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19