Mark 1:21 ( ESV )
21£And they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath he
entered the synagogue and was teaching.
Imagine being either Andrew, Peter, James or John and you are walking
with Jesus. This was truly incredible, just four lowly fishermen and they are
conversing and walking with the creator of the universe. There is nothing like walking and talking with
someone along a road and getting to know them for who they are. All of the
disciples had this privilege in their lives.
passage tells us that they now came upon the fishing village of Capernaum. It
was a prosperous town with a major road going through it. The town was also
important enough to have a Roman garrison placed there as well. We are also
told by this verse that there was also a synagogue located in the village
typical synagogue was known as a place for worship and teaching of the Word.
They became important to the Jewish people after they returned from their
captivity. Visiting Rabbis were welcomed to speak and open up the Word to the
people within the temple area. Jesus Himself would take advantage of this
custom on several occasions in His ministry. He entered this synagogue on a
Sabbath and began to teach those who were in the building.
Mark 1:22 ( ESV )
22And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as
one who had authority, and not as the scribes.
The Bible then goes on
to tell us that Jesus teaching literally left them dumbstruck. They had never
heard anyone speak like Him before. His teaching amazed them with what He had
to say. Now that phrase stands out to me in this passage. How did Jesus
teaching differ from the rest of the men that they had heard before?
I believe that the
answer to why Jesus teaching was so different to them is found in the rest of
the verse. He did not teach them as the scribes of their day would teach them.
You see the scribes as a whole were only reciting what other scribes before
them had stated. Thus traditions and a parroting effect had taken over the teaching
in the synagogues.
We see this today
behind the pulpit as men only repeat what another pastor has said before them.
Pastors or speakers will find their next sermon on the internet as preached by
someone else. They will change a few words here and there and then claim it as
their own. There is nothing wrong with us learning and getting ideas from other
Spirit filled men. The problem is when we no longer study or question or think
through the passage ourselves. Men are becoming lazy as they prepare the Word
instead of looking for fresh Manna that only the Word and the Spirit of God can
give to us.
Listening to a pastor
awhile back I came to find out that he had just copied it from the internet. I
could understand a man even using many of the thoughts from the passage or
giving credit to the one who wrote it. Instead he claimed it as insights he had
gained from the Word of God. This not only happened once but has slowly become
a habit in the man’s life.
If we wish to have any
authority in this world with the Word of God let it be through our sweat,
pleading, studying and seeking the Holy Spirit of God to teach us what the Word
Jesus spoke with
authority from the Word of God for He knew what it said. He spoke and the
people listened for they were challenged to live changed and holy lives. We
will never have the authority that He had when He used the Word of God. Yet,
might we seek to know and share the Word of God through reliance upon Him.
I do believe that we
can learn from other Spirit filled men about what the Word says. We should read
the great commentators and glean from them the truths of Scripture. Many men
refuse to read today and grow in their walks by listening to the giants of the
faith. Yet, once again may we as teachers of the Word of God be known for our diligent
study and prayer.
As we go through this
verse as well as verse 27, we find two things the people were astonished at
about Jesus authority. One: They were astonished at His Words. Two: They were
astonished with His power over the evil spirits. This would imply His actions.
His words and actions impacted the people greatly.
Mark 1:23 ( ESV )
Just as soon as Jesus
showed up in the synagogue so also did a man who was demon possessed. This will
not be the first time that we see Jesus encountering men who are possessed by evil
spirits. The incredible part of this passage as well as later on in chapter one
is where these men choose to approach Jesus at.
Here in this verse as
well as in verse 39 we are told that Jesus would be confronted by these demon
possessed men in a synagogue. A house of worship meant for the glory of God. We
must realize brothers and sisters that no place is safe or more sacred that
Satan does not want to work. Why should we be surprised at this fact? We are
told how that Satan will try to sow tares among the wheat. We are told how that
wolves will try to enter into the house of God. We need to be those who are not
paranoid but cautious about the wiles of the devil.
Mark 1:24 ( ESV )
24“What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to
destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God.”
Even the demons had a
better theology than some of the priest of their day. Note what the verse says:
1) He is aware of a time in which Jesus will bring punishment upon them. 2) The
demon or demons knew that Jesus was the Holy One of God. They knew that He was
the Messiah and the Perfect one. We also know that even with this knowledge
that this knowledge of the facts or their belief in these facts would not save
them. James 2:19
I fear today for those
who know all the facts about Jesus and still yet do not know Him. It is
possible for a person to quote scripture, know all the right religious terms
and pray their prayers at night and still be lost. This was rampant during the
time of Christ and is still rampant among us today.
Mark 1:25-26 ( ESV )
When I read verse 25 I do not believe that
Jesus made a huge dramatic statement. I believe that He simply looked and said,
“Be silent and come out of him.” This was the type of authority that Jesus had.
In just seven simple words the unclean spirit within the man convulsed, cried
out loudly and left the man.
The question among some
though would still be why did Jesus tell the demon to be quiet? Jesus will not
only do this in this passage but often when dealing with demon possession he
would tell them to shut up. Many times the demon would be speaking the truth
about who Jesus was. So why would Jesus tell them to, “Be silent?”
Later on we will find
out that one of the charges that would be brought up against Jesus was that He
was in league with the devil. They would even go as far as to say that His
miracles were being done by the power of Beelzebub. What blasphemy. I believe
that Jesus knowing this would be one of the charges did not want the people to
think that the demons were saying these things as if to fool them into
following a false prophet. Jesus was aware of how people would wrap words
around to satisfy their evil thinking. This is the reason why I believe He told
them to be silent.
Mark 1:27-28 ( ESV )
27And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among
themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands
even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.”
What is this? They were
astonished once again as they saw the power of God demonstrated before their
eyes. When they saw that Jesus had this type of authority they had to spread
the word about him far and near. Could this be the Messiah to come had to have
been on many of their minds.
Yes, it was a new
teaching and it was one with authority. Why? Because the Word was now made
flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only Son
from the Father, full of grace and truth.