Thursday, June 30, 2011

Between Chislev and Nisan Nehemiah 2:1

Nehemiah 2:1 ( ESV )

1In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was before him, I took up the wine and gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad in his presence.

     The time in between.  The moments of silence.  All of these things seem like fragmented sentences in our life.  I think that these are the things that I can’t stand the most. I want my answers to prayer to have no hesitations. I want my life to be one single flow. The real world though does not work in that way. Gaps and fragments are a normal part of life for all of us. We have trials that often do not seem to end.  If we are not careful we begin to worry about God’s control over our situations.

    Why in the world would I start this passage with the above paragraph?  You see while I am having my devotions in Nehemiah I came upon something I had never seen before in the passage. It deals with a gap, or a fragmented sentence that took place in Nehemiah’s life. Let me share with you what I mean.
    The last time that we saw our cup bearer he was praying to the God of Heaven. He was weeping and mourning for his God to hear him. He was confessing his sin as well as the sins of his people to the God of Israel. Redeem us, forgive us, and restore us by your strong hand.  Please take note of the time period in which he asked God to give success to his servant about this prayer. Go ahead; take a look at verse eleven and you will see the word, “Today.”  Nehemiah loved his people and wanted God to answer his prayer right then and there. There was nothing wrong with him asking him to do that, but sometimes God allows fragmented sentences in our life.

    Brothers and sisters there is a gap of time between chapter one verse one and chapter two verse one. When Nehemiah first prayed for his people in 1:1 it was during the month of Chislev.  In chapter two verse one though, note what month it is before Nehemiah talks to King Artaxerxes, it is the month of Nisan. A total of around four months have passed before Nehemiah is able to talk to his king.

    What was Nehemiah doing during these four months of time? I have a few ideas, but the passage itself does not tell us what happened. One of the things Nehemiah may have done was to continue praying. As I look at this book, prayer is one of the main things that made Nehemiah the leader that he was. Secondly, this time period may have given him time to think about what he would ask Artaxerxes if he was given an opportunity. This makes sense as we look at chapter 2:3-8.

    The most important thing about the gap of time though to me is realizing that God knows my need. He will answer my need, if he chooses to, in His time.  He knew about the needs of Israel a long time before Nehemiah had prayed about them. He knew that the walls were broken down and the gates destroyed by fire. None of these things took him by surprise. I often don’t see things the way my Lord sees them. I get frustrated with the God of Heaven about his timing.  Like the old rock group Queen, I shout out, “I want it all, I want it all, I want it all RIGHT NOW.”
    Thank God, some of our best answered prayers are between Chislev and Nisan. We learn to appreciate our Lord more when He answers in this way. His timing is truly perfect and He knows when it is best to answer. We will for sure see that in Nehemiah 2, but we also need to see this truth in our own lives.

Had and Dad.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What type of house are you building?

He built his home by the shore line,
So that he and his loved ones could enjoy the waves,
He lived for all of this earth's pleasures,
Taught his wife and children to do the same,
They had dreams of visions and of glory,
They lived their lives only for themselves,
The very waves of pleasure they loved destroyed them,
With no foundation, the seas just swept them away.

So what type of house are you building?
Does it stand for the Lord?
Does it have a firm foundation?
Is it built to stand the storms?

He built his castle all around him,
A greater vision of beauty had never been seen,
It reached as far as into the heavens,
Men would stand in awe of its majesty.
Yet, he shut out his wife and children,
He had put a lock upon the door,
It was a castle that had no windows,
Beautiful on the outside but it was built for him and no more.

So what type of house are you building?
Does it stand for the Lord?
Does it have a firm foundation?
Is it built to stand the storms?

His whole life had been in shambles,
He had nothing to offer his family but agony,
Then, one night, he cried out to Jesus,
Please, my God, hear this sinner's plea,
The foundation for his home was now given,
He spoke of Jesus constantly to his family,
One by one their hearts cried out to Jesus,
And their home was built on what was done at Calvary.

So what type of house are you building?
Does it stand for the Lord?
Does it have a firm foundation?
Is it built to stand the storms?

" A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands." I do love my Mother-in-law and Father-in-law.

Monday, June 27, 2011

A cup bearer to the king. Neh. 1:11

Nehemiah 1:11 ( ESV )

11O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.”Now I was cup bearer to the king.

     As followers of the Lamb, we all have an important role to play. Your job or mine may seem insignificant to us at times. We might even shake our heads and wonder if we have even made a difference at all. We quietly think to ourselves, "Would anyone ever notice if I just walked away?" Many of us have what I call, "shadow jobs." You know what I mean, the ones that never seem to receive the praise.

     One of the persons that I admire the most, is that of my wife Julie. She has what many would be considered a shadow job. My Julie,  has a sweet personality and loves people. Unlike her loud mouthed husband though, she is a behind the scenes type of person. Seriously folks, she hates the spotlight. Now she will be out going if the ministry or job calls for it but she would rather just do the work.

     My wife has excelled in the jobs that she has done. Where I respect her the most though is in the area of how she has raised our children. I'm your typical male at times. I get caught up with the work, a football game or a thousand other things that men are known to do. I go blind at times. Julie on the other hand is 24/7. My wife has poured her heart and soul into my girls. She has given and given even to the point of where she can no more. If that is not enough she then pours out her life for me. 

     Now how many people  in this world will even know her? Will there be thousands at her funeral? Will they write books? You and I already know the answer to those questions. Yet, what an impact she has had on my life, my children and those around her by simply doing the shadow jobs that the Lord has given her. She is a true jewel of untold worth.

     In this passage, we are told that Nehemiah, was a cup bearer to the king. At first glance, that may seem to some of us like an insignificant thing. We don't understand the importance of that position, as the people of that time did. The cup bearer would test all of the kings beverages. He was the one who put his life on the line constantly. The poison would be on his lips before the king would partake.  He literally was willing to give up his life to protect his king.

      Cup bearing was an incredibly important job. I wonder though, how many people in the king's realm knew this Jewish man, who served this Gentile King? Did they make appointments, seek out conversations with him? Was he declared as being one of the men who you just had to know? I doubt it. The job was important but every one's eyes were focused on the king. Some probably did draw close to Nehemiah, but it was the king's ear that they wanted when they came near.

    What was important though was that the KING knew Nehemiah. The king knew of his sacrifice for him daily. The king knew of how he sought to serve him. The king knew that Nehemiah would gladly give his life for him. Hey, in the end this was all that was important. The KING knew and would have had a relationship with this trusted servant.

     Do you see where I am going with all of this? Our Father knows, of those who are the, "shadow workers." He knows  their sacrifices. Our Father knows of how they will serve Him even when there is no applause. He knows their name no matter what type of work that they do. He knows you, when you feel as though your life doesn't make any sense at all. You are a cup bearer to the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. 



Saturday, June 25, 2011

Return to Me. Neh. 1:6-11

Nehemiah 1:6-11 ( ESV )

6let your ear be attentive and your eyes open, to hear the prayer of your servant that I now pray before you day and night for the people of Israel your servants, confessing the sins of the people of Israel, which we have sinned against you. Even I and my father’s house have sinned.

7We have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, and the rules that you commanded your servant Moses.

8Remember the word that you commanded your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples,

9but if you return to me and keep my commandments and do them, though your dispersed be under the farthest skies, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place that I have chosen, to make my name dwell there.’

10They are your servants and your people, whom you have redeemed by your great power and by your strong hand.

11O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.”Now I was cupbearer to the king.
  I have sinned.  These are three of the hardest words in all of our vocabulary. We automatically choke as those words flow from our lips. They are so hard to say because we all stand guilty before God. When we say these words, we must humble ourselves before Him. Nehemiah knew that to be true in his life. Nehemiah also interceded for Israel and confessed their sins as a nation. Father, I have sinned.
   In this section of Nehemiah’s prayer, he speaks to the Lord, as one would to a human being. He implores the Lord to hear his following prayer. It's almost like a child who says to his Father, “Father, I need you to have your eyes wide open.” Please, pay attention to me as I come before you. The Living God does hear and His eyes see our greatest need. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

    We know that according to verse four that he had been mourning, weeping, fasting and praying for days. He had been in constant communion with him during these days of sorrow. He  not only prayed for himself but also for the people of Israel. Father, help me to be one of those who pray not only for my needs. Teach me to pray for those around me.
   Nehemiah not only prayed about the sins of Israel. Nehemiah in verse five also brings up his need for forgiveness. He had sinned against God as well. True, we can see the sins of others around us. The real issue though, is do we see our own sin. God, open my eyes to my sin. As the Psalmist prayed so do I, “Reveal to me my hidden sins.” I want my heart to be pure.

     I have broken every one of the laws of God. James declares that if I have broken just one of them, then I am guilty of all. The word for corruptly has the idea of one who has offended another. My sin has offended not only my fellow man, but more importantly my God. 

    We were told earlier in verse five that we have a God who will keep His promises. One of His promises as found in Leviticus 26:33, was that He would scatter His people, if they did not follow His commandments. He kept His word and scattered His people throughout the world. Our sins will have dire consequences. Do I really believe this?  Why do I believe that I can get away with my sin? God help me to deal with my arrogance. I am truly ashamed.
   There is hope though as we read the next verse. I can return to Him. I act as a prodigal and yet He will still ask me to come back home. When I come back humbled over my offensive attitudes, He as my Father, comes running to greet me. Though I have been scattered abroad, He says that I can come back home. Israel would come back to the land. They would regain their home once again. I also have disgraced His precious name with my sin. You and I though can repent and humble ourselves before Him. Once again I can now declare His name before all men.

    I come to Him as a servant. He is the one who has redeemed me from bondage. Lord, only you alone through your power and by your strong hand can deliver me. Teach me as you taught Nehemiah and Israel to truly fear your name.

     Nehemiah knew that the road ahead of him would be one of difficulty. He could not accomplish what needed to be done. He cries out to our God to give him success. He cries out to his God grant me mercy. This is not a prayer for us to live a successful life. Nehemiah wanted success so that God’s name might be glorified. He wanted success so that God’s people might be protected. May God show us this type of mercy in our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen."

Hannah really can smile!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

How do I come before Him? Neh. 1:5

     How do I approach this God who gives me my very breath? I also know that I have failed Him so often. I do not in any way deserve to be even in the same galaxy as Him. I want to draw near to Him, to be forgiven, restored and be used by him. This is why I love Nehemiah’s first recorded prayer so much. Here is a man who sees the vastness of His God and cries out forgive us O God and restore us. The awesome thing is knowing that God wants to answer this type of prayer.
  Today I just want to deal with the first part of his prayer. Nehemiah before he asks for forgiveness and restoration of his people will show us who this God that we are praying to is like.  How do you see God when you come before Him in prayer is of vital importance to how we pray.

Nehemiah 1:5 ( ESV )

5And I said, “O Lord God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments,

  Nehemiah starts his prayer by keeping in his mind that God is  His life. First of all, Nehemiah knew he was coming before the Lord God of heaven. We come before no mere man but the very God who sits enthroned in heaven. The one who sits on a throne surrounded by light, for He is the Light of the World. The one whom the angels cry out daily, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.” He is the one who by just His very words hangs all the stars in place. He truly is the Great and Awesome God that we sing of.
This means a lot to me in that I realize as the old children’s song goes, “Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do.” It sounds simplistic but the truth of that should bring us to our knees. He wants to provide for us as His children. He has the power to do anything and yet we come to Him often forgetting who He really is.
This God is not only a Holy God who made the heavens and the earth. He is also a God who will keep His promises that He has made towards us. How many promises have I made? How many promises have I broken? Nehemiah knew that flesh would fail him but the God of Heaven would always keep His word. Why do I struggle with that so much? He has never failed and never will fail to keep His promises made to His lambs. One of the reasons though that I believe that He keeps His promises is also found in the next part of the verse.
He is steadfast in His love. I am the unfaithful whore who will seek and run after so many pleasures that this world has to offer. I am the one who will seek to do my will rather than His. Often my love is not pure. His love though is steadfast. He is going to be with me for the long haul. He has promised me that He will never leave me or forsake me.
Note though what He says next; especially in a world that only wants a God who says do whatever you want. I believe that as His children He will never leave us or forsake us. I also though believe that our actions will affect our prayer life.  He will keep His promises towards us but this does not mean that we can live anyway that we please.
  God wants us to be a people who love Him. He does not want a superficial love of only words though. Please pay careful attention to what He also says how this love will be shown. Keep His Commandments. As children of God we need to be those who are marked by our obedience towards Him.  This is not just an O.T. Commandment but is also found throughout the Apostle John’s writings. I don’t want to be a disobedient child to the One who made me, to the One who is great and awesome and to the One who has never broken His promises.
  Sometimes, God does not answer our prayers.  He will choose though, what to answer, and what not to answer. He will sometimes do this when you and I are walking disobediently to Him. (Peter will bring this up concerning how a husband treats his wife in I Peter 3:7.) Nehemiah knew this and he wanted a clean heart before His God. Nehemiah also wanted the people of Israel to be restored. So he prays, “Forgive us O, God.”  
Here is what I love so much. This God who made me wants to forgive me. He wants me to love Him and walk obediently with Him. He wants me to have fellowship and draw near to Him.  He does want to restore us, and not make us what we used to be, but into something even better, 
through the power of His Spirit. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jehovah Comforts Neh. 1:1-4

Nehemiah 1:1-4 ( ESV )

1The words of Nehemiah the son of Hac-aliah.Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Susa the capital,£

2that Hanani, one of my brothers, came with certain men from Judah. And I asked them concerning the Jews who escaped, who had survived the exile, and concerning Jerusalem.

3And they said to me, “The remnant there in the province who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire.”

4As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.

     They had been dispersed as far as the wind could carry them. The people of God had been disobedient to His calling. Like the chaff which the wind blew away, they were now blown away from the land of Promise. Only a small group had returned back to the land of Israel at this moment.The remnant now had grown discouraged. They had enemies from the outside. Scripture also tells us that they had enemies from within. They now cried out to their God to hear them once again.

     This is why Nehemiah 1:1 is such a beautiful thing to me. The name Nehemiah means, "Jehovah comforts." I know that there are times in my life, when just like these Jews, where it seems that God does not hear. Does He know my grief? Does God not know about my enemies? Does He not know that these trials also are falling upon my family? The answer will always be during these times, we serve the God who comforts.

     Contrast the scene we have before us with Nehemiah's brothers back in Israel. Nehemiah's brothers and sisters were barely surviving. Nehemiah though lived in Susa the wintering town of the Medo-Persian empire. he lived probably surrounded by all that represented the word comfort. Incredible! Don't forget this, as Nehemiah could have stayed in Susa. He could have finished his life surrounded by glory. He will hear  of the needs of his brothers and leave all of these riches behind him. He had a greater calling and that was to comfort his people.

     This is exactly what Jesus has done for us in accordance with Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus would leave all of His glory to enter into our world. He would be our Savior. He would leave it all behind so that we as disobedient children could be made into sons of the Most High.

     Nehemiah did not want to turn a deaf ear to the people of Israel. Nehemiah's brother Hanani, had come back from the land of Israel with several others from Judah. Nehemiah did not wish to remain ignorant about his people. Nehemiah had to know how his brothers were doing in the land of his Father's.

     So often if we will be honest with ourselves, we don't want to know the facts. You see, when we find out the truth about things, we are called to act upon what we now know. What will we do when we hear or see the needs of this world? Are we scared to broaden our horizons? Are we afraid to look beyond the comforts of home? God, help me to live in light of any truth revealed to me. Lord, help me to deal with any revealed sin of my heart.

     The news of the exiles was not good news. Words that described the situation at hand were, "great trouble and shame."  The words that brought Nehemiah to his knees were these words, " The walls of Jerusalem are broken down and its gates are destroyed by fire." At this very moment Nehemiah's world came crashing down around him.

     You see for us, walls fallen down might not mean very much. The people of Nehemiah's time knew the idea of broken down walls meant that Israel was now stripped of any protection against her foes. Israel without walls was wide open to death and destruction. 

     What do you and I do when faced with devastating news? What will be our first reaction when our walls come tumbling down? What will we do when the hurricanes of this world blow through our organized and structured worlds? Will we respond with fear, anger or doubt? What course of action will I take?

     Nehemiah had the right kind of reaction when his world came crashing down upon him. Nehemiah became a child. A Child, what do I mean by that? Look at Nehemiah's reactions in the rest of this passage.  First thing, upon hearing these words, he sat down, wept and mourned for days. Have you seen a child when he becomes brokenhearted? For those of us who are, or have been parents, you know what I mean. Our hearts go out to our children when we see their hurt. We want to comfort their broken hearts.

     Secondly, Nehemiah continued to fast and pray. He came to his Father broken. He was so devastated upon hearing the news he could not eat. In the midst of all of his pain he knew he had to talk to his Father. Food was of no importance to him now as he looked only to Abba, Father to take away the hurt. Is this our reaction to our trials? Will we not pray? Nehemiah had become a child asking the King of Glory to comfort his heart as well as his people.

     Brothers and sisters what is is that has broken your heart? Do you feel as though your walls and that all your strength is gone? I know that I do at times. Will we not come to him as a child, and cry out to Him? Only through a broken spirit, can He truly use us. He alone is the one who can comfort our heart.

Holly Beach area

Monday, June 20, 2011

Roy and Gracia

     There is nothing worse than realizing that you have missed your turnoff. I finally realized that this had happened when I could no longer see Little Rock behind me. When I pulled into the gas station I came to find out that the JFK exit was now twenty miles behind me. Bummed, I got back in the car and started to head back. It was my first true vacation on my own as a young man. I truly was country come to town.

     I had gotten to know three of the Persson's boys over the last six months. We had seen the Lord work among some of their teens that had come to Rock Haven Bible camp. Looking for fellowship, and a kindred spirit, I wanted to take a breather and spend some time with them. Heading back to Little Rock I truly could not wait to see them and their parents who I had not met. I had no idea that this trip would cement a friendship that has lasted now for almost over 25 years.

     Fifteen miles to go and I would be back at the exit that I had missed. It was now later in the evening and I was beyond tired. Wait, a second. I began to see steam rolling off the front of my car, and as I looked at the heat gauge, it was now pegged on the letter H. No, went the silent scream into the night. I pulled over, found some water, and the car limped and groaned to Lee Street. I was crushed, the vacation now looked like it was going to now have some good old stress put on it. Yet, I was about to learn that God's plans are not always what you think they are going to be for you. He loves to challenge and make our faith fresh and new.

     I pulled  into the Persson's driveway one defeated little pup. I saw the steam which now was billowing like a forest fire under my Honda's hood. I could barely see at all and I could only make out a shadow coming towards me in the darkness.O.K Lord, now what? The figure now tapped on my window and this is how I would be introduced to Roy Persson. I opened up the door and the first words that I heard were,  "Well GLORY, you must be Mike and it looks like you got a problem here. Pull your vehicle up on that ramp and will try to get it fixed for you."

     The three boys came on out and smiled and took me into their home. Their mother Gracia, introduced herself to me, and after that, asked if I was hungry. A total of five minutes must have passed since I had drove up into their drive. In just that short amount of time what once seemed so desperate of a situation was turned into hope. I did not see Roy come back in for some time. He came back with the report, "Mike, your water pump is out." Before I could say anything I was told by Roy, "Don't worry about it, will try to get it in the morning."

     This is how I was introduced to two of my favorite examples of what walking by faith looks like. The first lesson that I learned from them was showing grace to those in need. I believe that has always been a mark of their lives. (By the way, Roy worked on the water pump with his sons and it was fixed before I left. If that was not enough, grace was shown even more as I never payed for the water pump.) Grace and kindness were a mark of their faith, but it was not only to believers.

     Through those early years I always marveled at how Gracia loved to go to the Laundromat. Yeah, you heard me right the Laundromat. Even though her sons were willing to purchase her and Roy a washing machine she would have no part in it. WHY? What woman on God's green earth looks forward to going to the Laundromat? The answer, Gracia. You see she told me that whenever she went there she looked forward to opportunities to share the Gospel with others. They both not only talked about the lost and the need of a savior. They both actively shared the grace of our savior with all men. There is a lot of talk about how we need to share in this world but little is being done. Not so for Roy and Gracia.

     I learned the importance of prayer in a family. What amazed me was that when I got to know them they only had three of their sons still in the same house. In the morning they would have prayer with them, not as little children but as young men. They had done this earlier in their lives but it still continued on. Whenever they saw me come to their house from my various ministries they would always pray for me. Often the first question would be, "How are you doing Mike?" After I would tell them how things were going, I would hear them say,"Well, we need to pray about that."

     I just got done talking with their youngest son Nate the other day. Nate was bringing up to me how that he believed that one of the main messages of the Bible is that of one simple word, TRUST. I don't know about you, but even after all of these years I struggle with that one. I often feel like the Father who cried out to Jesus, "I want to believe but help my unbelief." I want to be like the hero's of the faith in Hebrews 11 but sometimes I struggle with the simplest of things.

     Herein is the rub, I believe that what Nate said is true. The more I look at scripture the more I see how the Lord just wants me to simply trust Him in all things. Nate had, and still has, two great examples  living before him today. Roy and Gracia from their early days of ministering to the needs of those around them even to now have trusted their savior in so many things. This does not mean, that there might not have been times of doubt, but their lives have been examples to others, of how we can trust Him, to meet all our needs, according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

     What I love about these two hero's of my faith is how that I know that they would not even want me to bring these things up about them. You see they would tell you that all the GLORY belongs to Jesus. I am reminded of an old Cathedral song that would sum up their lives with these following words. "All the glory belongs to Jesus, All the praise belongs to Him, All that I am or ever hope to be, All the glory belongs to Him." Lord, I thank you for the examples of faith you give to us in our lives, not only from the scriptures, but even those who walk beside us daily. Let me walk as you would walk, and give you all the GLORY.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

We must proclaim the Gospel ! Col. 1:28-29

Colossians 1:28-29 ( ESV )

28Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.

29For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.

     So what does biblical preaching look like? This is a question I am constantly asking myself. Even now over thirty years later I am still learning. I think some of those answers are in what Paul brings up in the following verses. 

     Simple as it may sound, the first word of importance in this verse is HIM. Jesus, is to be at the forefront of all biblical preaching. I know that this sounds like an overkill statement. My problem arises in what many people call deep preaching today. We live in a day in which we hear ten illustrations for every verse. (Preaching needs illustrations. For many in our world though, they tend to make the Bible, fit their illustration.) Enough of our psycho babel preaching which feels great for the body while our souls are starving.

     I believe it was Tozer who put it best when he asked, "Whatever happened to Jesus?" Our sharing of the Word should always revolve around His name. His name should be the focus. He is as earlier stated is, "the hope of glory." He alone is who will change the lepers spots and the heart of stone. Let me put it this way, Jesus is not man's greatest need, but rather our ONLY need.

     The gospel is not just a feel good thing. We often have this picture of sweet baby Jesus who never gets upset. (There are also some who only see Him as a revenging tyrant.) Paul was balanced in his life. Paul would say that part of our sharing is to shout out to the world a warning.

     I remember as a kid, like many of you, the emergency broadcasting signal. It was created as a warning of a possible natural disaster or an atom bomb being dropped on your head. (Just remember, Duck and Cover.) it was created to caution us about coming destruction. In preaching we are called to warn others.

     We are to warn the unsaved about a coming wrath of God. We are to warn our families, friends and others about a place called Hell. Some may see this as barbaric. I do not care. This type of mindset would see a child in the middle of the road and would not yell about a coming car. Hell is coming, and we should shout out at the top of our lungs, a warning. There is an urgency to it all. If we believe Hell is real we are called to warn others.

     We are also called to warn fellow believers. I am to be a caution light. Even as believers there are consequences for our choices. We are to warn everyone. Look out. Be careful. We are not to have a  heart of pride but one that cries out for their friends and loved ones.

     True biblical sharing involves teaching others with wisdom. I want to share the Word to where others can understand it and apply it to their lives. II Tim. 3:16-17 tells me that the Word of God will reprove or warn someone. The Word of God will instruct them in the paths of righteousness. We warn and then offer another path. The Word provides positive instruction on how we should live.

     What is the end goal of biblical sharing? Mature men and women are the goal. Our goal is to see men and women of God walking daily in a Christ like fashion. Men and women who are not satisfied with just knowledge but application of the Word's principles.

     Proclaiming the Gospel is not easy work. Many will stray or walk away. We will grow tired in the journey. Look at how Paul states what kind of work proclaiming the Gospel is. He uses the words toil and struggling. Toil has the idea of a work that will literally wear a person out to the point of exhaustion. Struggling has the idea of to agonize. Do I struggle or agonize over men's souls? Do I struggle or agonize over studying of the Word of God?

     Proclaiming the Gospel involves work. I want to encourage you though, as we close out the chapter. We are called to the work but it is, "through His energy that works within me." I must rely  upon His power and His abiding strength that lives within me. It is His work, so He will build the church. I am just called, like all of us as believers, to proclaim the Gospel.

The new youth building.

Jars of Clay @ Lake Charles. What a blast.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Mystery revealed. Col. 1:25-27

Colossians 1:25-27 ( ESV )

25of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known,

26the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints.

27To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

     A steward was a job that very seldom received praise. He was a person who oversaw the affairs of his master. The stewards main responsibility was to see that his master's house was in order.

     Paul, in this passage before us was a steward., His duty was to overlook the house of God. His responsibility was to make the Word of God plain and clear before the church of God. As ministers and stewards of the Word of God we are called to help reveal the, "mysteries," of the Word of God.

     I love a mystery novel almost more than any kind of read, except for history. What I love the most though about a mystery is when the secret is revealed. When I get to find out who was behind all of the murders or crimes. Paul, is getting ready to reveal one of the greatest mysteries of all in this passage.

     MacArthur makes note of several of the mysteries of the Bible in his study Bible.  Many of these mysteries in the Bible  are revealed. Here are just a few of those mysteries.

  • Israel's unbelief. Rom. 11:25
  • Lawlessness. II Thess. 2:7
  • The Church. Eph. 3:3-6
  • The Rapture. I Cor. 15:51
     These mysteries hidden in the Old Testament. When you and I look into the New Testament though these mysteries are revealed.

     To us who are Saints of God, not by physical birth, but by spiritual birth, God wants us to see the glory of the following mystery. Here in Colossians One he shouts out to the Church of God. He wants believing Jew and Gentile to know that this mystery is like having the riches of glory poured out at our feet. What is this Mystery?

     "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Out of all the incredible things in the Bible this is the one that charms me the most. Old Testament saints only had the Spirit of God fall upon them and then leave. We who make up the church of God now have, the Spirit of God living within us.

     It is beyond my realm of thinking to realize that God sent His son to die and rise again for me. Nothing compares to His love and mercy that He showed upon the cross. Yet, God was not finished. No, brothers and sisters, now He pours out the riches of His glory by allowing Christ to dwell within me. He who would not be contained even by the tabernacle, temple, the earth or even the very heavens. He has chosen to reside within us. The one who is UN-containable, makes Himself containable within me.

     This is truly one of the greatest mystery reveals of all time. Christ the very hope of glory has made us His home.

"I want to be left alone."

Preach on Alex!

Preach the Word Josh!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

How far are you willing to go? Col. 1:24

Grandma Gabler, Haddy and Hannah

Colossians 1:24 ( ESV )

24Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,
     I love the old movie, "The Untouchables," one of the main reasons is because of the clear division between good and evil throughout the movie. The other reason is for Sean Connery's role as an old beat cop. My favorite scene is when Connery ask Kevin Costner's character, "How far are you willing to go?" He knows that in order to take Al Capone down it will cost them everything. It will cost the lives of those around them and maybe even their own. Yet, it would be worth it all if the enemy was taken down. That is Paul's attitude here in this passage but for a far more noble goal. The souls of man. This is why Paul could rejoice in his sufferings.

     Paul had earlier stated that he wanted to know Christ and the fellowship of His sufferings. He now lives it out as he says, "that he rejoiced in his suffering for their sake." That may sound strange to many of us especially in the light of our pleasure driven world. These are the words of a man who was imprisoned, stoned, whipped and tortured. Yet, his Jesus became only sweeter and dearer to him. Paul saw beyond the pain and realized his suffering was for the spreading of the Gospel.

     When you and I suffer for Christ and for fellow believers we can rejoice that we have been counted worthy. Don't be shocked if the world hates us for they hated Him. When they attack us for His name's sake they are fulfilling their desire to shame Him. It is in this way that Paul says, "I am filling up what is lacking in Christ affliction, for the sake of His body, that is the church."

     None of us want to emotionally suffer, let alone physically. For some of us though, Christ will honor us with that  privilege. What will we do? Will we rejoice to honor Him for counting us worthy? 

     Another line that I love in the same scene is when Connery knows it may cost him his life. He sighs, and then says, "The Lord hates cowards." (By the way this is a true statement. Rev. 21:8) Father, help me not to be a coward. Help me to be willing to suffer for your name. Help me to rejoice in my sufferings for your sake. How far am I willing to Go?

The Old Youth Building.

(Left to right: Scout, Hannah, Julie and Elvis.)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

True Reconciliation involves sacrifice. Col.1:21-23

Colossians 1:21-23 ( ESV )

21And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds,

22he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,

23if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation£ under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.

     I truly know that I have always needed peace with God. I am aware of my sin daily and that the only way I could have peace is through blood being shed on a cross. I needed a blood bought sacrifice. According to Paul I was alienated or "cut off," or "separated," from God.
     I was literally at war with the Holy One. I know this sounds hard for some people to take, but I hated Him. Well, someone might say, "That seems a little harsh." Really, Paul states that we were not only separated from Him, we were hostile towards him. How do I know this? I am a doer of evil deeds. I so often forget how my sin not only hurts others, but it offends God Himself, when I do evil.
     I am a creature who has been made no longer separate but  now I am made one with Him. Once again, it is not by my merit but because of His flesh being put to death. I need to be reminded that in all true reconciliations there is a sacrifice. This is where it gets even more mind blowing. It's completely all my fault but the INNOCENT party made a sacrifice for me.
     Why does he reconcile me? Not just so that I can be forgiven, but, He has a purpose for me. He wants me to bring glory to His name. He wants me to allow His Spirit to work through me. He wants to....

  • Present me as Holy
  • Present me as Blameless
  • Present me as one Above Reproach.
     We as a blood bought band need to continue in our faith. We need to be steadfast and not shifting from the hope of the Gospel that indwells us. I do not want to be a reed swayed by the wind but to remain firm to my commitment to Him.
     Paul, ministered the Gospel of reconciliation to the church at Colosse and to all that he came into contact with. I thank the Lord that not only am I reconciled to Him but I want to be steadfast for Him all the days of my life.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This is who my Jesus was, and is, and is to come. Colo. 1:15-20

Colossians 1:15-20 ( ESV )

15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

16For by£ him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

17And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

18And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

19For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell,

20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

     When I think of the word Firstborn, I almost always go back to the idea of the order of birth. In this verse though, Paul is not talking about the order of birth. There are to many passages that tell us that Christ was God in flesh and always existed. John 1:1-14, Is. 9:6, Jn. 8:58....No, the idea here is not of birth order but rather to His preeminence in rank or priority. The writer of Hebrews will tell us over and over again, throughout that book, that Christ is superior over all. Jesus has received the right of the inheritance of the Father. He is the perfect image of God for He has come as God in flesh. If He is the preeminent one, does He have that position in my life?

     Jesus is the creator of all things. (A firm claim to His being Deity as only God claims to be the creator. Genesis 1:1) He is the creator of all of mankind, and all of  the angels as well. (He is not one of them, as some cults teach, but their creator.) He has and allows all who are in power to reign. One day though all will bow down before Him. Phil. 2:5-11 He is the ultimate source of authority. The reason that you and I live is for His glory.

     He is the one who holds all things together. Just one word could change the literal structure of our world. He is the one who allows the atoms not to fall apart. He is the one who holds the earth, stars and the universe in place.

     He, not the Pope, pastors, church elders or deacons is the head of the church. Do I treat Him as such? Do I seek His face in my choices? Do I ask Him what is best for the body of believers that I serve? Do I treat Him as the head or a mere visitor?

     I like how he states how that He is the beginning. he is also the head of the church because its beginnings are founded in Him. Why? Because He is the first to rise from the dead. He has conquered over all,so not even death, can have victory over Him. Oh, Beloved, His church, who is His body, will also rise one day and be with Him.

     It is because all of the fullness of God living through Him that he can reconcile all things. He has made peace for us who once were far away from Him by what He did upon the cross. This is who my Jesus was, and is and is to come.