Well you write an article about Thanksgiving and then you get to find out if you really do mean it. Starting early Monday morning around 1:00 a.m I must have picked up some kind of virus or something. We won't get into the details but IT WAS BAD there was a lot of ugly things going on for the next couple of days. Wednesday at about 8:00 p.m. I finally ate something. I mean it, I didn't eat a thing until that night.
I don't know about you but when I get sick my mind sometimes goes into full gear. (Even though it might be at a whole lot slower of a rate then normal.) So for me there are always the lessons that the Lord seems to be teaching me.
1. MY SICKNESS WILL NEVER BE AS BAD AS OTHERS. When I begin to "feel like" I am about to "die." ( In the words of my wife, "such a drama queen.") I am always reminded of so many people that are truly sick and are suffering so much. My temporary illness is nothing when I compare it to the suffering of others who live constantly in pain.
2. DEPENDENCE ON OTHERS. Without asking my wife or my girls for help they were there giving of themselves to me. They wound up showing their servant-hood towards me without even being asked. I needed them.
I want to be one of those John Wayne types when it comes to sickness. (You know what I mean, that even though you have been shot at least 3 times, kicked and beaten to a bloody pulp and even bit by the bad guys dog you immediately get up and kill all the bad guys on your own. KILL THEM ALL.) I think though that during our sicknesses we learn the real lesson of life. We truly need someone to lean on. I need to humble myself. There are no John Wayne's in the spiritual realm. In the same way with my sin sick life I need to call out to the Savior and acknowledge my need of Him and my total dependence.
3. A FEELING OF BEING CUT OFF. During those days that I laid around in bed our pastor had one of his daughters and son-in-law come in for a visit. At a gathering at the church on Tuesday night many of our church family got to see them. I felt so bad. I truly did want to see them but my virus was still acting up and I did not want to be the life of the party and share my special gift with them. So I missed them and had to stay at home. Bummer!!
I felt like the guys in Leviticus who when they got leprosy shouted out UNCLEAN and kept themselves away from others. (Now please be careful here, I do not believe that every time a person gets sick is because of sin. God sometimes allows the sweetest of saints to suffer greatly. John 9:2-4 and Job are great teachings in this area.) I am reminded though, of how my sin separates me from God in the area of salvation. Rom. 3:23 and Rom. 6:23. I am also reminded of how my sin affects my fellowship with God as well in I John. My sin also gives that feeling of being cut off from my brothers and sisters. I want restoration. I want to be whole again.
4. YOUR FEEL LIKE A ZOMBIE. You are trying to just go on with life and yet everything you do seems to be in slow motion. You know something isn't right because you are in such pain. (Yeah, just like the zombie movies you feel as though you have half of your side gone. You also know that you have one of those kitchen butcher knives in your skull.) In our years before we knew Christ this was an absolute truth we were like the walking dead. Ephesians 2:1-3 We could not think or even act rightly and were truly enemies against God.
5. YOU PRAY THAT IT WILL JUST END. I don't know but after several hours of throwing up I just wanted it to end. I wanted to get better.What a relief when it finally broke.
I have no idea what it must be like to be sick 24/7 and there is no cure in sight. No wonder so many of our brothers and sisters just want the Lord to take them home. No more pain, no more sorrow. This is not an unpleasant thought at all for those of us who are believers. We know that Heaven is real and that there is truly a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope at the end of the day.
As a believer I know that one day my sin sickness will be gone. That one day I shall see Him face to face, delivered from my sin, my selfishness and my sin sick ways I shall behold Him and truly see Him for who He is.
Salt and Light is what Jesus called me to be to this world. It's my desire to share that journey with you as I go through life, longing and waiting for a better home.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
1 Thessalonians 5:18 ( ESV )
18give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Thanksgiving, it’s hard to believe that in just one more week I will be sitting in front of our table and eating the legendary turkey dinner. I love this time of year and even more so as I live in a household where I am gladly outnumbered three to one. I love the smell of the turkey and hearing my three working on a meal that’s preparation started days before. Just like others we are in awe over how much we have set before us. Laughter, eating, football, taking naps fill the day at our house. What a great day.
I also have to be honest though and tell you that sometimes though I forget what the day is all about. This should be a day that I focus my attention on how good our Lord has been to us as a family. I am amazed at how often I can complain, find fault or worry about the circumstances that I am in. I get tunnel vision when it comes to seeing only the darkness of the tunnel rather then seeing the light that is ahead or even around me at that time.
I don’t know about you but for me it always starts with what we consider the “small things”. Why is it they seem like, “small things” until they are gone? The food that is set before me, is truly a blessing from God when I think about some of my brothers in Haiti. The comfort of my house, when I know that there are others who do not even have a roof over their head. The ability to pray, and speak the name of Jesus without having to fear for our lives. A country, that despite its faults still allows me freedoms that I truly do not deserve.
The idea of thanksgiving becomes even more impressed upon my mind when I realize how Paul wrote these words under the eye of the Roman empire. God forgive me for my complaining spirit and material desires when I have been blessed more so then even the majority of this world’s population.
The circumstances though that I am faced with whether good or what I see as bad, are all a part of His will for my life. I must admit I don’t understand that concept at times. I know this though, that He truly has been more then merciful with me through His grace. Many times I miss seeing the gifts of His grace that are still being poured out upon me. These gifts of grace are not only poured out upon me daily but every second that He allows me breath.
Lord, teach me to have a thankful heart towards you. May my heart of thanksgiving not only be just upon this special day but may I live thankfully with every breath that I take. My prayer is that you will have a great Thanksgiving this year.
18give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Thanksgiving, it’s hard to believe that in just one more week I will be sitting in front of our table and eating the legendary turkey dinner. I love this time of year and even more so as I live in a household where I am gladly outnumbered three to one. I love the smell of the turkey and hearing my three working on a meal that’s preparation started days before. Just like others we are in awe over how much we have set before us. Laughter, eating, football, taking naps fill the day at our house. What a great day.
I also have to be honest though and tell you that sometimes though I forget what the day is all about. This should be a day that I focus my attention on how good our Lord has been to us as a family. I am amazed at how often I can complain, find fault or worry about the circumstances that I am in. I get tunnel vision when it comes to seeing only the darkness of the tunnel rather then seeing the light that is ahead or even around me at that time.
I don’t know about you but for me it always starts with what we consider the “small things”. Why is it they seem like, “small things” until they are gone? The food that is set before me, is truly a blessing from God when I think about some of my brothers in Haiti. The comfort of my house, when I know that there are others who do not even have a roof over their head. The ability to pray, and speak the name of Jesus without having to fear for our lives. A country, that despite its faults still allows me freedoms that I truly do not deserve.
The idea of thanksgiving becomes even more impressed upon my mind when I realize how Paul wrote these words under the eye of the Roman empire. God forgive me for my complaining spirit and material desires when I have been blessed more so then even the majority of this world’s population.
The circumstances though that I am faced with whether good or what I see as bad, are all a part of His will for my life. I must admit I don’t understand that concept at times. I know this though, that He truly has been more then merciful with me through His grace. Many times I miss seeing the gifts of His grace that are still being poured out upon me. These gifts of grace are not only poured out upon me daily but every second that He allows me breath.
Lord, teach me to have a thankful heart towards you. May my heart of thanksgiving not only be just upon this special day but may I live thankfully with every breath that I take. My prayer is that you will have a great Thanksgiving this year.
Well would you look at this? They really do love each other. |
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Mind of Christ
Philippians 2:5 ( ESV )
5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,£
I truly love one of the themes that goes through the book of Philippians which is that of joy. It is truly one of the things that is so lacking in this world today. Just turn on your t.v. set long enough and you will instantly know what I mean. We need joy in our lives more today then ever before.
The problem though, as I read the book of Philippians, is that while I believe that joy is important in the book, it is not the theme. I challenge you to look up the following words in the book of Philippians. Mind, remember, know, knowledge, think and thought. These words are used almost twice as much as the words dealing with joy. I know I might be picking on sacred cows with some people so please forgive me. I see so many people looking for happiness and joy in their lives and they never obtain them. The reason I believe is that in order for us to have true joy in our lives we must first have the mind of Christ.
What does the mind of Christ though look like? Here are just some thoughts as I scan through this book.
1. Phil. 1:6 A person who has this mindset will know that it is God who begins this good work of grace and He will finish it.
2.Phil. 1:27 A person who has this mindset will stand firm in one spirit with one mind striving side by side (with his brothers) for the faith of the gospel.
3. Phil 2:3 A person who has the mind of Christ will walk in true humility.
4. Phil. 2:4 The mind of Christ will be marked by a selfless lifestyle. (Our prime example in this is that of Christ 2:5-11. Other examples will be that of Paul 2:17-18, Timothy 2:19-24 and Epaphroditus in 2:25-30 )
5. Phil. 3:7 The mind of Christ will truly see what is of our flesh and what is of Him and will not rely on our own righteousness. Phil. 3:9
6. Phil. 3:10 The person with the mind of Christ will want to know Him and the power of His resurrection as well as the fellowship of His suffering.
7. Phil. 3:14 The mind of Christ is found in a person who has as his goal to press on to know Christ as his prize.
8. Phil. 3:18-20 The mind of Christ will be with the one who will not set his goal on earthly things but remember where his citizenship lies.
9. Phil. 4:3 The mind of Christ is shown in us as believers when we seek to try to agree with our brothers in the Lord.
10. Phil. 4:4-4:7 Having the mind of Christ will help us in the area of joy, learning to be reasonable, be more thankful rather then worried and to truly find the peace that we need in our darkest of hours.
11. Phil. 4:8-9 I need to think about the things that are worthy of praise. I need not only think but to practice these things and the God of peace will be with me.
I thank the Father for the treasures of joy and peace. My greatest goal though and desire is to have the mind of Christ. When I have the mind of Christ all of these things become gifts from His hand. May we all like Paul say, I want to KNOW HIM.
Scout |
Elvis |
A truly appropriate costume for Hadassah's dog. |
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Who is number one?
Over the last couple of months the NFL has been airing its series of The Top 100 greatest players that have played the game of football. Walter of course will always be my favorite and he placed number 5 on the list. (Come on guys!! Once again though its hard to argue with the others that are ahead of him on the list.) I look at the list and I see the familiar names that I grew up with as a kid like Joe Greene, Dick Butkus, Gayle Sayers, and tons of others. Then there are the ones like Joe Montana, Mike Singletary and Reggie White who I watched as a young man.
While looking at the list though I am also reminded of how so many of these names are just legends in my mind. Sammy Baugh who played quarterback for the Redskins starting in 1937, Bart Starr who started in 1956 for the Pack and maybe one of the greatest players ever the legendary Bronko Nagurski who started playing for the Bears in 1930. These men made an impact on the game and are still remembered.
Now I know what you are thinking, why am I bringing up a bunch of football players, and for some of you, a bunch of Dead guys. I guess it is just wild to see how fame, popularity and glory truly does fade away.
I remember how I would memorize whole music charts on who was number one on Billboard's top 40 over the years. How great it would be to see my football, baseball and yes even hockey team would do through the years. We are a nation and a people that are completely taken by who is number one. We want to believe that the moment will never end when they achieve their greatness. Only to be struck with the fact that the next year they might not even be listed.
If the Lord tarries and our world last another 100 years how many of the people on the list of the top 100 football players of all time will still be on that list? Now please hang in there I have nothing against us as believers rooting for our teams or favorites. Its just that what is popular and seems so important to us at this time in our lives will often fade away.
I believe that all of us as believers should strive to be and to do the very best with whatever the Lord has placed in our hands. I just want to keep it in my head though that fame and glory will all pass away. The only thing in the end that truly will matter is, Did I please Him? Did I give all the glory to Jesus or was it for my selfish end? He is still my greatest Hero and deserves my very life and all no one could or ever will compare to Him.
While looking at the list though I am also reminded of how so many of these names are just legends in my mind. Sammy Baugh who played quarterback for the Redskins starting in 1937, Bart Starr who started in 1956 for the Pack and maybe one of the greatest players ever the legendary Bronko Nagurski who started playing for the Bears in 1930. These men made an impact on the game and are still remembered.
Now I know what you are thinking, why am I bringing up a bunch of football players, and for some of you, a bunch of Dead guys. I guess it is just wild to see how fame, popularity and glory truly does fade away.
I remember how I would memorize whole music charts on who was number one on Billboard's top 40 over the years. How great it would be to see my football, baseball and yes even hockey team would do through the years. We are a nation and a people that are completely taken by who is number one. We want to believe that the moment will never end when they achieve their greatness. Only to be struck with the fact that the next year they might not even be listed.
If the Lord tarries and our world last another 100 years how many of the people on the list of the top 100 football players of all time will still be on that list? Now please hang in there I have nothing against us as believers rooting for our teams or favorites. Its just that what is popular and seems so important to us at this time in our lives will often fade away.
I believe that all of us as believers should strive to be and to do the very best with whatever the Lord has placed in our hands. I just want to keep it in my head though that fame and glory will all pass away. The only thing in the end that truly will matter is, Did I please Him? Did I give all the glory to Jesus or was it for my selfish end? He is still my greatest Hero and deserves my very life and all no one could or ever will compare to Him.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Romans 8:11
Romans 8:11 ( ESV )
11If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
It seems like every year I wind up reading through the book of Romans. Each and every time that I read through this incredible book I am reminded of the grace of God in our lives. The first seven chapters hit me so hard with the issue of my sin and just how great it is. It isn't just the outward things but my inner man that consumes and destroys everything of good around me. As I read through this incredible book I can only sing like the old hymn, Grace, Grace, God's Grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Every part of me is filled with that of corruption and then along came Jesus.
I read on through the book and the battle is still raging even after I have received Him and have been cleansed and forgiven. I know at times that within the war I fall and lose so many of the battles that He has laid before me. I feel the conflict within of Romans 7 and shout out like Paul in verse 24, "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" What an answer Paul points out for us all in Chapter 8. The Spirit of God can deliver me and give me the strength to carry on.
To know that the very Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives within us as believers. Think about it, the Spirit of God who gave Jesus victory over the grave lives within me. I don't know about you but I still to this day can't fathom the thought of that still.
It is not enough that He has forgiven an old reprobate like me. It is not enough that he POURS out His GRACE upon me daily. The scriptures now tell me that the Spirit of God lives within me.
I am still unworthy, I am still guilty of daily sin, I am one who deserves nothing from His hand. I feel often like D.L. Moody when asked, "Are you filled with the Spirit?" Moody replied, "Yes, but I leak." Yet, the incredible thought of Him allowing the Spirit of God to live within this vessel is beyond belief.
The Spirit of God wants to give me resurrection power over sin while I live in this mortal body. It is only through His power and strength that we can have any type of victory. He wants us not to be debtors to the flesh but rather through His Spirit that lives within us to put to death the deeds of our body. What wondrous love is this. He allows the Spirit of God to live within us so that we do not need to be slaves to sins for we are now adopted as Sons into His family.
Lord, help me not as a child of God to rely upon my flesh to battle with sin. Help me to be dependent upon your Spirit. Give me the victory that I need through the power of your Spirit. May I live through you and you alone.
11If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
It seems like every year I wind up reading through the book of Romans. Each and every time that I read through this incredible book I am reminded of the grace of God in our lives. The first seven chapters hit me so hard with the issue of my sin and just how great it is. It isn't just the outward things but my inner man that consumes and destroys everything of good around me. As I read through this incredible book I can only sing like the old hymn, Grace, Grace, God's Grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Every part of me is filled with that of corruption and then along came Jesus.
I read on through the book and the battle is still raging even after I have received Him and have been cleansed and forgiven. I know at times that within the war I fall and lose so many of the battles that He has laid before me. I feel the conflict within of Romans 7 and shout out like Paul in verse 24, "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" What an answer Paul points out for us all in Chapter 8. The Spirit of God can deliver me and give me the strength to carry on.
To know that the very Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives within us as believers. Think about it, the Spirit of God who gave Jesus victory over the grave lives within me. I don't know about you but I still to this day can't fathom the thought of that still.
It is not enough that He has forgiven an old reprobate like me. It is not enough that he POURS out His GRACE upon me daily. The scriptures now tell me that the Spirit of God lives within me.
I am still unworthy, I am still guilty of daily sin, I am one who deserves nothing from His hand. I feel often like D.L. Moody when asked, "Are you filled with the Spirit?" Moody replied, "Yes, but I leak." Yet, the incredible thought of Him allowing the Spirit of God to live within this vessel is beyond belief.
The Spirit of God wants to give me resurrection power over sin while I live in this mortal body. It is only through His power and strength that we can have any type of victory. He wants us not to be debtors to the flesh but rather through His Spirit that lives within us to put to death the deeds of our body. What wondrous love is this. He allows the Spirit of God to live within us so that we do not need to be slaves to sins for we are now adopted as Sons into His family.
Lord, help me not as a child of God to rely upon my flesh to battle with sin. Help me to be dependent upon your Spirit. Give me the victory that I need through the power of your Spirit. May I live through you and you alone.
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