Friday, December 24, 2010


Out in the darkness there these men stood,
Just simple men who had work to do,
Little did they know they would be the first ones,
To tell the world the King of Kings has come.

Run, Run, Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the sun,
Go, tell the world, that He has come,
Run, Run, Shepherd Run.

Out of nowhere light exploded in the sky,
Filled with fear as His glory came down,
The angel spoke and said, "Fear not."
"Good news I bring about a baby boy."

Run, Run , Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the sun,
Go, tell the world that He has come,
Run, Run Shepherd Run.

In Bethlehem  a Savior had been born,
This was the one who is Christ the Lord,
Wrapped in cloths lying in a manger,
The angels with great joy sang to them,

Run, Run, Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the sun,
Go, tell the world that He has come,
Run, Run Shepherd Run.

To Bethlehem these men ran,
 Looking into the very face of God,
There was only one thing for them to do,
They had to go tell the world that He had come.

Run, Run, Shepherd Run
From out of the darkness into the SON,
Go, tell the world that He has come,
Run, Run Shepherd Run

The beauty of the sunset at Twin Peaks.
Merry Christmas to all!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hold my hand

 Trust. Father it seems like I struggle so much with that issue. I so often forget what you have done for us in the past and cringe at my disbelief. When I respond in this way, I act like I don't even know you. I see a disfigured God of my own making. You, on the other hand, want me to take your hand, like a Father to His child. Yet, I will turn and walk away.

 Meanwhile, you tell me that you are my Father, a good shepherd, a friend, my comforter, my rock, my refuge, my promise, my hope, my way, my truth, my life, my creator, my guide, my light, my joy, the lover of my soul, the Holy One, my deliverer.

 How often I forget that you are faithful and that you only want what is good for my family and for my walk. I get selfish in this relationship of you and me. I only see me and the trials that I am going through. How often I need to be reminded that it is not about me but about you.

 Like a child help me to see that I have no control and that I need to take your hand and to trust you as my Father. Help me to not forget that it was you that took my feet from the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock.

 I so often see the storms and their power forgetting that nothing takes place or is allowed without you seeing it all. I maybe in the boat with the flooding waters and the noises that surround me. You, though are still in control of it all with just three simple words at your disposal. Peace be still.

 I am reminded of the old song. " I can't even walk without you holding my hand. The mountains to high and the valley's too wide. Down on my knees, I've learned to stand. But I can't even walk without you holding my hand."

 I take your hand, unworthy as I am and cry out to you. I believe, help my unbelief. Lord I do want to trust you more. Help me to see all of who you are, and in the midst of it all, to see you more, as I hold your hand.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Shout outs, praises and prayers

Hard to believe that we are now 8 days from Christmas and just a little over 2 weeks from 2011. So as I am pondering on the events of this year and looking forward to the one just around the corner. Here are some shout outs to some things that I really enjoyed this year.

  1. The new ESV MacArthur Study Bible. What can I say? I love the ESV version because of the translation work and its readability. What a blast to have MacArthur's notes and his fine scholarship with keeping the verses in context. (Then to top it all off you have the layout, the fonts and even the beyond cool blue chapter numbers. Hey, the little things are important!) Seriously though, this study Bible will help any serious student of the Word to get more out of his Bible.
  2. A great book for preteens, teens and even old dogs like me is The Action Bible. No it is not a new translation but rather a walk through some of the greatest Bible stories in both the Old and New Testament. It was written and illustrated by a Word of Life graduate named Sergio Cariello. Sergio apparently had worked for Marvel and D.C. Comics and it shows in this beautifully illustrated book. If you have a child who loves comics and you want them to get into the Word. Buy this book up and start reading to them.
  3. I think my favorite CD this year was put out by above all people, Aaron Neville. The CD is called," I Know I've Been Changed." As far as I know this is Aaron's third "Christian" CD and by far  his very best. The album has some great Christian spirituals and Hymns on it.  This is how Gospel music should be sung. From a Christian pop perspective Addison Road's, "Stories," is a true delight with its hooks and harmony. For the old schoolers this year, it was hard to beat, Third Day's, "Move" as they went back to their southern roots. Still yet, I am also going to shout out from last year the CD, "God and a Girl," by Joy Whitlock. Her lyrics are scorching in dealing with our walks and her voice is one of the true finds of the last decade in Christian music. I have brought her up once before, but trust me, she is just that original and just that great. What a voice!
  4. Last year my wife for Christmas, bought me 2 great Bible study helps. For someone who wants to know Biblical background of a passage pick up Zondervan Bible Background Commentary by Arnold. Easy reading and great in dealing with history and customs. Of course, it was also great, to get one of my favorite guys of all time, Warren Wiersbe's complete Exposition Commentary. The thing that I will love about Warren more then anything is how he can explain to anyone the deep spiritual truths of scripture.

There were lots of things to praise the Lord about this year.

  • My daughter Hannah and her graduation and seeing her finishing up her first semester at our local community college. She has been a good testimony at her school as well as at work.
  • Hadassah, who is halfway through her sophomore year. I am beginning to see her concern for the lost as well as a heart for her saved friends to walk with the Lord.
  • Julie, the rock. For those of you who know me and her you understand that statement. I am still amazed after all of these years that she would even put up with me. (Even when we fuss, she still loves me.) She has been for all of us, the one who  keeps us going when we do not want to carry on.
  • Some of our closest friends who we know are still praying for us after all of these years. We can never repay your kindness.
  • Our church family here at Reeves who still minister to us in so many gracious ways.
  • For our mothers who are still faithful to the Lord after all these years and for God allowing my mother-in-law the joy of a new husband.
In this upcoming year we need your prayers in so many ways.

  1. Pray for us, that God might lead us to the church, that we will best fit in as a pastor and family. We are still looking and praying for his guidance in this area. Pray for our willingness to heed to His voice and direction.
  2. Pray for us, as we continue to serve here in Reeves. Our church has been so kind to us, in allowing us to continue, to minister in this wonderful work. We want not only to be faithful but fruitful in this vineyard.
  3. Pray for Hannah as she is now considering going to Frontier School of the Bible during the fall semester.
  4. Two things that I have been impressed upon by the Lord is the need for Revival not only in our ministry but even in our own lives. I want to see revival in the lives of others around me but first of all I need and want it in my own life.  Secondly, the Lord continues to burden me to learn and grow in the area of prayer.
I know this was a different kind of blog then normal but I wanted to be able to share with you some of the joys and burdens of our heart. If you would please leave a comment every once in awhile as we would love to hear from any of you. We appreciate your prayers for us. May the Lord continue to draw us near to Him and may we look forward to His great appearing.

Julie and I died during these pictures. Everytime the photographer told us to look into each other's eyes we cracked up!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

This little Light of Mine

Childhood songs seem to stick with us for a lifetime. We don’t forget simple songs that helped us understand basic truths about God and life. I am still reminded of Miss Peggy or Miss Elsie teaching us Bible songs at my grade school and in my Sunday School classrooms at Gravette Bible. The one that still stands out to me after all these years will always be This Little Light of Mine. As simple as that song stands out to me I am still reminded of the challenge to my Christian walk that it is to me daily.

There are those days when I don’t feel like letting it shine or I might even try to hide it but like Jeremiah it burns within me and I have to shine it forth. How I truly love him and despite the mess that I make of me at times, I have to shout out His name.

When I think of the word light  I am also reminded of the Light of the World who we represent. One of my favorite passages in the book of Isaiah is found in Is. 8:19-9:7 Israel had fallen upon hard times due to their sin. The nation that had once seen the Shekinah glory now walked in darkness. Israel now inquired of mediums and necromancers who chirped and muttered talking to the dead for guidance. They no longer looked to the teachings of God and no longer had the dawn of light upon them. Looking for help from the earth they were now thrust into thick darkness.

I don’t know about you but a light in the darkness is sometimes the thing that I need the most. I get lost or I stumble along the way to my destination. I need some guidance and I need some help. I cry out in the darkness unsure, lost and sometimes a feeling of hopelessness creeps into my heart. I fear the gloom that covers me.

I love Is. 9:2 which tells me that, “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness on them has light shined.” Like the land of Israel I have come out of the darkness into the light that shines. No longer blind, we as believers now walk in the glorious light of Christ.
The light has come into the world to offer us hope. How? Is. 9:6 says it best, “ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Jesus has come brothers and sisters, this one who is called the Light of the World. John 3:19, John 8:12 and John 12:36 He is the light of the world that shines through the darkness. This child in Isaiah was not just some simple child but he is also the Mighty God and Prince of Peace.

As a followers of the Lamb and the Light of the world he now calls me to shine forth to this  world his life to all. We are to walk as children of light. Eph. 5:8  We are to be, “blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Phil. 2:15

So during this blessed season, may we show forth to this world that is covered in darkness, the light of Christ in our life. We are the ones who are called to bring them hope. Just keep in your mind the following words…

“This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.”

Friday, December 10, 2010


We live in a world that is all about being busy. We run from one job or activity to another and are constantly on the go. The old saying is true we run around like a chicken with its head cut off. (Which for a young boy was in its own way a funny thing to watch.) We find little time to as Vance Havner wrote, " learning the art of walking slow." We are often way to busy for our own good.

We as a people should be reflective throughout the course of the day on our relationship to the Lord. I do not want to be so busy that I do not take time out of my day to draw close to the Lord.

In saying the above I feel somewhat dumbfounded when it comes to believers who do not open up the Word of God to read it. I will see Bibles left at our church or at home that are not opened up once during the week. It breaks my heart that the Bible has become more of a symbol then anything else to its people rather then the living and breathing Word of God. It has become a trinket that we own and pull out only at certain times when others are watching.

I don't know how often I have heard the following excuses, "I'm just so tired I'll read it later," or  the worst, "I'm just so busy." Paul has some harsh words for people that are lazy in II Thess. 3:6-15 and are not busy with the work that God has given them to do under the sun. We are to be known as a people with a great work ethic. Yet, for all of this type of talk and preaching I believe that when it comes to the reading of the Word of God there are many people who are great with their work ethic but lazy in their reading habits of the Word.

I, like other pastors truly do have an incredible job when you think about it. I get paid by a group of people to read and study the Word of God. Did you hear me? Paid for reading and studying the Word of God. Yet, here is the real truth of the matter I would still read it daily paid or not. Why do I read it? Just like many of you because I want to know Him. I want to know this God who loves this world that is gone mad.

It's important that we as a people are reading books that deal with the Word of God and who He is. We should be known for reading devotionals, commentaries and dare I say it in a world that now days  makes so little of it, THEOLOGY. (It amazes me how people make so little of theology today and yet they themselves make up their own teachings, traditions, and by doing so they make their own theologies with no biblical basis.) I wonder what the church Fathers would say about all of this.

OK, OK, I know baby steps. Well now let me even say something wilder. I believe that we as a people should read outside of the Biblical realm as well.  Hang in there for a moment with me. When I read Paul in Acts 17 as he stands in front of the men of Athens he will quote the Cretan poet Epimenides in verse 28. He will also quote him in Titus 1:12-13 and in verse 13 will say that his statement is true. In the book, Think Biblically, one of the chapters written by Grant Horner correctly brings up how that Augustine, Calvin and Luther read secular philosophies and writings of their times.

Like many we should be cautious when we enter into the realm of non-biblical thinkers. When I read these guys I want to do so through Biblical lenses. While I read I must according to I John 4:1 do the following. "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." (ESV)  I read with the command of I Thessalonians 5: 21, " But test everything ; hold fast what is good." (ESV) Read with the acid test of Philippians 4:8 in our mindset.

I read for tons of reasons but here are just a few.

  • Read, because we should be known as a people who are constantly learning.
  • Read History as we see the frailty and courage of those who have gone before us. We can learn lessons from them and how they thought. ( One of the great history books that was written in recent years is Doris Kearns Goodwin's book Team of Rivals. Trust me if you work with people who do not agree with you look at Lincoln and how he dealt with his cabinet. This is a great book for pastors.)
  • Read Poetry, simply because of the beauty of it all.
  • Read Shakespeare, OK, I know that I have lost half of you on that one. Why? No other author other then God with His Word can tell us so much about the human condition. (Still can't read him because of the old English, get copies of his works in the No Fear Shakespeare editions. Simply written but true to the text.)
  • Read for the sake of just enjoyment.Yes, we do have a Father who truly does want us to take some time out of our busy schedule to just enjoy life.
  • Read so that we can understand the unsaved world better so that we can reach them effectively. (Once again with a word of caution read with Biblical lenses.)
One of my prayers for my girls and others is that they would have a passion to read. Read well, read often, reflect on what you read, think through what you read and may we all read with the greatest of passions the Word of God that alone can save a dying world.

Julie and I at the Colorado National Monument

Thursday, December 2, 2010


      In a world that it is saturated with a, "feel good gospel," and lets, "be careful or we might offend someone." I can understand why the Old Testament has almost been neglected by many today. Yet, if you really want to shake the place up even more, start reading from the Old Testament prophets. In hearing some people talk they have become like an unwanted step child who is hidden from the world. When one limits his reading by not reading  from these precious books we wind up with a distorted picture of who our God truly is. (Images of a coming Messiah, sin and its consequences, restoration and a true vision of the King of Kings are thrown to the side when we hear not the Old Testament prophets.)

     As I read more of His Word I have found myself drawn to the prophet Jeremiah. You know the one who always gets the bum wrap about being the WEEPING PROPHET. Yet when this man of God wept there was always a good reason. I give you the following 2 verses as an example.

Jeremiah 9:1 ( ESV )

1    £Oh that my head were waters,    and my eyes a fountain of tears,    that I might weep day and night    for the slain of the daughter of my people!

Jeremiah 13:17 ( ESV )

17    But if you will not listen,    my soul will weep in secret for your pride;    my eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears,    because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive.

     Jeremiah had a lot to weep about as he saw the consequences that were coming and that would take place because of Israel's sin. In 8:22 just before 9:1 he shouts out, "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?" He wept over a people who would no longer listen to the Lord because of their pride. You know at one time in my prayer life I wept often over the lost, my own sin as well as my brothers and sisters who were straying far from the fold. I remember a day that whenever I heard the old Gospel hymn, "For you I am praying," I would kneel and pray for my brother that he would come to know Jesus. ( I thank the Lord daily that he did come to know Him.) My first lesson from Jeremiah is, Lord teach me to weep once again over the things that are important to you.

     I challenge both my readers as well as myself though to also apply so many other of this man of God's characteristics to our life. Think about the following things as you read about Jeremiah. 

  1.  Jer. 1:5 Even while I was in my mother's womb God knew me and has set us apart for a purpose.
  2.  Jer. 1:6-9 No matter how young we are God wants us to go forth and to not be afraid for He will give us words to speak.
  3. Jer. 1:10-18 We are asked to give a message of truth to the world above all else. This message contains within it the truths about the consequences and judgment of sin. When a person truly sees their sin then and only then can they see their need of a savior who wants to deliver them.
  4. Jer. 1:19 We need to toughen up like Jeremiah as he is told that the message he gives out will cause even his own to fight against him. Yet, he is also told the enemy will not prevail for the Lord would be with him.
  5. Jer. 16:1-2 These verses stand out to me because God will command Jeremiah to never marry. Think about that for a minute his life is hard enough already. He will have to go through this life by himself alone. (I can't imagine my life without Julie.) There will be times brothers and sisters where we like Jeremiah will have to go it all alone when we stand for Him. (Remember during those times, He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone.)
  6. Constantly through the book we see how that the greatest of Jeremiah's persecutions were not from Israel's enemies but rather from Jeremiah's very own people. He would be humiliated and even thrown into a miry pit.
  7. Like us He would cry out to the Lord for understanding when things did not make sense at all as in Jer. 32:16-24. (esp. v. 25) Its during those times of me not understanding what God is doing that I am reminded of the Lord's words in Jeremiah 32:27, "Behold, I am the Lord the God of all flesh, Is anything to hard for me?"
  8. Jer. 36 Reminds me that there will always be though who will wish to destroy the Lord's Word.  (Look at Jer. 36:22-26 on how evil king Jehoiakim was in the destruction of the Word of God.) Yet, I am reminded that God's Word will prevail.
  9. In the darkest of hours God will one day rescue us from the cistern's of this life. Jer. 38:7-13.
     There are so many other lessons from this man of God's life. May God allow us to be as faithful as this servant of God. My prayer is that you and I will learn more about the prophets as we read through these incredible books.

Looks like the gang had turned against me.


Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well you write an article about Thanksgiving and then you get to find out if you really do mean it. Starting  early Monday morning around 1:00 a.m I must have picked up some kind of virus or something. We won't get into the details but IT WAS BAD there was a lot of ugly things going on for the next couple of days. Wednesday at about 8:00 p.m. I finally ate something. I mean it, I didn't eat a thing until that night.

I don't know about you but when I get sick my mind sometimes goes into full gear. (Even though it might be at a whole lot slower of a rate then normal.) So for me there are always the lessons that the Lord seems to be teaching me.

1. MY SICKNESS WILL NEVER BE AS BAD AS OTHERS. When I begin to "feel like" I am about to "die." ( In the words of my wife, "such a drama queen.") I am always reminded of so many people that are truly sick and are suffering so much. My temporary illness is nothing when I compare it to the suffering of others who live constantly in pain.

2. DEPENDENCE ON OTHERS. Without  asking my wife or my girls for help they were there giving of themselves to me. They wound up showing their servant-hood towards me without even being asked. I needed them.

     I want to be one of those John Wayne types when it comes to sickness. (You know what I mean, that even though you have been shot at least 3 times, kicked and beaten to a bloody pulp and even bit by the bad guys dog you immediately get up and kill all the bad guys on your own. KILL THEM ALL.) I think though that during our sicknesses we learn the real lesson of life. We truly need someone to lean on. I need to humble myself. There are no John Wayne's in the spiritual realm. In the same way with my sin sick life I need to call out to the Savior and acknowledge my need of Him and my total dependence.

3. A FEELING OF BEING CUT OFF. During those days that I laid around in bed our pastor had one of his daughters and son-in-law come in for a visit. At a gathering at the church on Tuesday night many of our church family got to see them. I felt so bad. I truly did want to see them but my virus was still acting up and I did not want to be the life of the party and share my special gift with them. So I missed them and had to stay at home. Bummer!!

     I felt like the guys in Leviticus who when they got leprosy shouted out UNCLEAN and kept themselves away from others. (Now please be careful here, I do not believe that every time a person gets sick is because of sin. God sometimes allows the sweetest of saints to suffer greatly. John 9:2-4 and Job are great teachings in this area.) I am reminded though, of how my sin separates me from God in the area of salvation. Rom. 3:23 and Rom. 6:23. I am also reminded of how my sin affects my fellowship with God as well in I John. My sin also gives that feeling of being cut off from my brothers and sisters. I want restoration. I want to be whole again.

4. YOUR FEEL LIKE A ZOMBIE. You are trying to just go on with life and yet everything you do seems to be in slow motion. You know something isn't right because you are in such pain. (Yeah, just like the zombie movies you feel as though you have half of your side gone. You also know that you have one of those kitchen butcher knives in your skull.) In our years before we knew Christ this was an absolute truth we were like the walking dead. Ephesians 2:1-3 We could not think or even act rightly and were truly enemies against God.

5. YOU PRAY THAT IT WILL JUST END. I don't know but after several hours of throwing up I just wanted it to end. I wanted to get better.What a relief when it finally broke.

 I have no idea what it must be like to be sick 24/7 and there is no cure in sight. No wonder so many of our brothers and sisters just want the Lord to take them home. No more pain, no more sorrow. This is not an unpleasant thought at all for those of us who are believers. We know that Heaven is real and that there is truly a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope at the end of the day.

     As a believer  I know that one day my sin sickness will be gone. That one day I shall see Him face to face, delivered from my sin, my selfishness and my sin sick ways I shall behold Him and truly see Him for who He is.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1 Thessalonians 5:18 ( ESV )

18give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Thanksgiving, it’s hard to believe that in just one more week I will be sitting in front of our table and eating the legendary turkey dinner. I love this time of year and even more so as I live in a household where I am gladly outnumbered three to one. I love the smell of the turkey and hearing my three working on a meal that’s preparation started days before. Just like others we are in awe over how much we have set before us. Laughter, eating, football, taking naps fill the day at our house. What a great day.

I also have to be honest though and tell you that sometimes though I forget what the day is all about. This should be a day that I focus my attention on how good our Lord has been to us as a family. I am amazed at how often I can complain, find fault or worry about the circumstances that I am in. I get tunnel vision when it comes to seeing only the darkness of the tunnel rather then seeing the light that is ahead or even around me at that time.

I don’t know about you but for me it always starts with what we consider the “small things”. Why is it they seem like, “small things” until they are gone? The food that is set before me, is truly a blessing from God when I think about some of my brothers in Haiti. The comfort of my house, when I know that there are others who do not even have a roof over their head. The ability to pray, and speak the name of Jesus without having to fear for our lives. A country, that despite its faults still allows me freedoms that I truly do not deserve.

The idea of thanksgiving becomes even more impressed upon my mind when I realize how Paul wrote these words under the eye of the Roman empire. God forgive me for my complaining spirit and material desires when I have been blessed more so then even the majority of this world’s population.

The circumstances though that I am faced with  whether good or what I see as bad, are all a part of His will for my life. I must admit I don’t understand that concept at times. I know this though, that He truly has been more then merciful with me through His grace. Many times I miss seeing the gifts of His grace that are still being poured out upon me. These gifts of grace are not only poured out upon me daily but every second that He allows me breath.

Lord, teach me to have a thankful heart towards you. May my heart of thanksgiving not only be just upon this special day but may I live thankfully with every breath that I take. My prayer is that you will have a great Thanksgiving this year.
Well would you look at this? They really do love each other.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Mind of Christ

Philippians 2:5 ( ESV )

5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,£ 

I truly love one of the themes that goes through the book of Philippians which is that of joy. It is truly one of the things that is so lacking in this world today. Just turn on your t.v. set long enough and you will instantly know what I mean. We need joy in our lives more today then ever before.

The problem  though, as I read the book of Philippians, is that while I  believe that  joy is important in the book, it is not the theme. I challenge you to look up the following words in the book of Philippians. Mind, remember, know, knowledge, think and thought. These words are used almost twice as much as the words dealing with joy. I know I might be picking on sacred cows with some people so please forgive me.  I see so many people looking for happiness and joy in their lives and they never obtain them. The reason I believe is that in order for us to have true joy in our lives we must first have the mind of Christ. 

What does the mind of Christ though look like? Here are just some thoughts as I scan through this book.

1. Phil. 1:6 A person who has this mindset will know that it is God who begins this good work of grace and He will finish it.

2.Phil. 1:27 A person who has this mindset will stand firm in one spirit with one mind striving side by side (with his brothers) for the faith of the gospel.

3. Phil 2:3 A person who has the mind of Christ will walk in true humility.

4. Phil. 2:4 The mind of Christ will be marked by a selfless lifestyle. (Our prime example in this is that of Christ 2:5-11. Other examples will be that of Paul 2:17-18, Timothy 2:19-24 and Epaphroditus in 2:25-30 )

5. Phil. 3:7 The mind of Christ will truly  see what is of our flesh and what is of Him and will not rely on our own righteousness. Phil. 3:9

6. Phil. 3:10 The person with the mind of Christ will want to know Him and the power of His resurrection as well as the fellowship of His suffering.

7. Phil. 3:14 The mind of Christ is found in a person who has as his goal to press on to know Christ as his prize.

8. Phil. 3:18-20 The mind of Christ will be with the one who will not set his goal on earthly things but remember where his citizenship lies.

9. Phil. 4:3 The mind of Christ is shown in us as believers when we seek to try to agree with our brothers in the Lord.

10. Phil. 4:4-4:7 Having the mind of Christ will help us in the area of joy, learning to be reasonable, be more thankful rather then worried and to truly find the peace that we need in our darkest of hours.

11. Phil. 4:8-9 I need to think about the things that are worthy of praise. I need not only think but to practice these things and the God of peace will be with me.

I thank the Father for the treasures of joy and peace. My greatest goal though and desire is to have the mind of Christ. When I have the mind of Christ all of these things become gifts from His hand. May we all like Paul say, I want to KNOW HIM.

A truly appropriate costume for Hadassah's dog.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who is number one?

     Over the last couple of months the NFL has been airing its series  of The Top 100 greatest players that have played the game of football. Walter of course will always be my favorite and he placed number 5 on the list. (Come on guys!! Once again though its hard to argue with the others that are ahead of him on the list.) I look at the list and I see the familiar names that I grew up with as a kid like Joe Greene, Dick Butkus, Gayle Sayers, and tons of others. Then there are the ones like Joe Montana, Mike Singletary and Reggie White who I watched as a young man.

     While looking at the list though I am also reminded of how so many of these names are just legends in my mind. Sammy Baugh who played quarterback for the Redskins starting in 1937, Bart Starr who started in 1956 for the Pack and maybe one of the greatest players ever the legendary Bronko Nagurski who started playing for the Bears in 1930. These men made an impact on the game and are still remembered.

     Now I know what you are thinking, why am I bringing up a bunch of football players, and for some of you, a bunch of Dead guys. I guess it is just wild to see how fame, popularity and glory truly does fade away.

     I remember how I would memorize whole music charts on who was number one on Billboard's top 40 over the years. How great it would be to see my football, baseball and yes even hockey team would do through the years. We are a nation and a people that are completely taken by who is number one. We want to believe that the moment will never end when they achieve their greatness. Only to be struck with the fact that the next year they might not even be listed.

     If the Lord tarries and our world last another 100 years how many of the people on the list of the top 100 football players of all time will still be on that list? Now please hang in there I have nothing against us as believers rooting for our teams or favorites. Its just that what is popular and seems so important to us at this time in our lives will often fade away.

     I believe that all of us as believers should strive to be and to do the very best with whatever the Lord has placed in our hands. I just want to keep it in my head though that fame and glory will all pass away. The only thing in the end that truly will matter is, Did I please Him? Did I give all the glory to Jesus or was it for my selfish end? He is still my greatest Hero and deserves my very life and all no one could or ever will compare to Him.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Romans 8:11

Romans 8:11 ( ESV )

11If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.

It seems like every year I wind up reading through the book of Romans. Each and every time that I read through this incredible book I am reminded of the grace of God in our lives. The first seven chapters hit me so hard with the issue of my sin and just how great it is. It isn't just the outward things but my inner man that consumes and destroys everything of good around me. As I read through this incredible book I can only sing like the old hymn, Grace, Grace, God's Grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Every part of me is filled with that of corruption and then along came Jesus.

I read on through the book and the battle is still raging even after I have received Him and have been cleansed and forgiven. I know at times that within the war I fall and lose so many of the battles that He has laid before me. I feel the conflict within of Romans 7 and shout out like Paul in verse 24, "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" What an answer Paul points out for us all in Chapter 8. The Spirit of God can deliver me and give me the strength to carry on.

To know that the very Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives within us as believers. Think about it, the Spirit of God who gave Jesus victory over the grave lives within me. I don't know about you but I still to this day can't fathom the thought of that still.

It is not enough that He has forgiven an old reprobate like me. It is not enough that he POURS out His GRACE upon me daily. The scriptures now tell me that the Spirit of God lives within me.

I am still unworthy, I am still guilty of daily sin, I am one who deserves nothing from His hand. I feel often like D.L. Moody when asked, "Are you filled with the Spirit?" Moody replied, "Yes, but I leak."  Yet, the incredible thought of Him allowing the Spirit of God to live within this vessel is beyond belief. 

The Spirit of God wants to give me resurrection power over sin while I live in this mortal body. It is only through His power and strength that we can have any type of victory. He wants us not to be debtors to the flesh but rather through His Spirit that lives within us to put to death the deeds of our body. What wondrous love is this. He allows the Spirit of God to live within us so that we do not need to be slaves to sins for we are now adopted as Sons into His family.

Lord, help me not as a child of God to rely upon my flesh to battle with sin. Help me to be dependent upon your Spirit. Give me the victory that I need through the power of your Spirit. May I live through you and you alone.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How Long?

As followers of the Lamb of God I am convinced that we so often put on the fake smile. You know what I'm talking about, let me give you an example. Someone comes up to you and asks, "How are you doing?" We turn around and immediately answer Great. Meanwhile we shudder at our answer because we know it is nothing short of a lie. Why do we do that? I believe the majority of the time it is due to our pride. We just don't want people to know how imperfect our world can be at times.

I think that's one of the reasons why I love David so much. David was willing to say to others as well as to the Lord, I just don't understand. Lord, help me I am such a terrible mess. I really don't know what you are doing Father. Doubt me look at the following verses.

Psalms 13:1-2 ( ESV )

1    How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?    How long will you hide your face from me?

2    How long must I take counsel in my soul    and have sorrow in my heart all the day?    How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

Just like David, I have felt this way with the Lord at times as well and I also suspect you have as well. In just two short verses David ask the Lord four times. HOW LONG? In just these few short words the Psalmist King brings out the deepest of emotions. David brings out our greatest fears about our relationship with the Lord through our trials. Do these sound like familiar words to you? God have you forgotten me? Lord I just don't see you in the midst of all of this mess. When will the sadness ever end? Why is it that I feel like I am being constantly beaten up?

No, the majority of us I believe will put on our plastic smiles. We will quote Psalms 118:24 and say, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Brothers and sisters I have found comfort in this verse like many of you. My only problem though is that the "day that the Lord has made" in this verses context is the day in which our Savior gave of His life for you and me. (Esp. v. 21-23)

He is my Father and I know that He does all things well and because I love Him, He will work out all things together for the good. I am so grateful to my Father that I can look at Him not with judgment but like a little child and say, I just don't understand. Father, my heart is breaking. Why Father? When I come to Him as a son He does not scream at me and shout, How dare you?

I know that we have to be careful here because I do not want to fall into the sin of how dare we question God. I am frightened at those and myself when we feel as though we have the right to look at God and say you messed up. (By the way an incredibly blasphemous thought.) We will and shall never be able to judge God.

Our attitude is the issue in our trials. He is allowing us to be refined so that we can show forth His image before the whole world. Like a child I come to Him in the midst of it all and say like the Psalmist. Father, I don't understand how long will this go on. The Father sees and knows the reasons why we have to go through it all. Like the young men of Daniel 3 He is there in the furnace with us and He will deliver us.

Before I close though we must look at how the Psalmist closes out the Psalm in verse 5.

Psalms 13:5 ( ESV )

5    But I have trusted in your steadfast love;    my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

In the midst of my sorrow, in the midst of our trials this should gives us  hope. His Steadfast Love. Though my world may seem to be falling apart at times. Though it seems like the enemy is pounding against the gates. We have a Father that  how ever LONG the trial might be will never give up in His LOVE FOR ME. Though the road seems long His love will never change for us and He will be there in the midst of it all. For this reason in the midst of the HOW MUCH LONGER TIMES in our lives, He will be our salvation.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Old Preacher

The old preacher slowly moved towards the pulpit. He closed his eyes and looked towards the heavens asking Jesus to give him the words to say. "Revival that is the topic I believe that the Lord would have me to talk about today. We seek for it, read about it, and for some of us we even pray for it."

"I know that God's Word makes it clear that we will never see it come to brothers who would rather complain or back bite one another. Rather it will come to the heart of one who seeks to love his brother."

"It will not be based on how loud or softly we sing our hymns towards Him. It will come to the one who not only sings the words but applies them to his heart and life. The one who can sing, I surrender all and mean it with his heart."

"It will come to the one who loves the Word more then he loves life itself. It will be his measuring rod, his companion, his constant source of strength. The Word alone is where His Savior will be revealed."

"To the one whom revival comes, it will be Jesus, that is his all in all. He will wake up to Him, work his day with Him and he will find rest in his sleep as he closes his day with Him. He will ask himself what is the most important thing in this world? My fame, my pride, my petty wants that seem so important to me? No his question will be is Jesus exalted in my life? Do I speak of Him constantly as my Savior, Lord and Friend? Is He truly the focus of my life and the one upon whom I truly depend?"

"He will not see himself as a separate entity from the church for which His Savior bled and died. The problem will not be how the church is failing but rather, as a part of it, what more can I do to prepare His bride?"

"His sin and holiness will grip him and bring him to his knees. He will not be able to escape how bright the piercing eyes of the Holy One can see even his most secret thoughts. At the same time he will stand in awe of the one who loved him while he was still His enemy. He will be more broken over the fact that such a God would love him and send his Son to die for him upon the cross. His heart will rejoice to realize that he has been made clean. What wondrous love is this will forever be his theme."

"Yes, before I pray that revival comes upon this church or upon its people. First of all, Dear Jesus, let revival fall upon me."

"What is that which is more important in all of this life? That Jesus be exalted. That He is hailed as the king of kings. This is my hearts' prayer that true revival will fall upon me, so that the name above all names maybe exalted in me."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Matthew 19:30

So I'm having my devotions earlier today and was looking at the last part of Matthew 19:30 and I 'm reading the following verse and it says,

Matthew 19:30 ( ESV )

30But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

It's a familiar verse and one that we have heard a million times or more but it really stood out to me today.  I'm looking at the context and it hits me, this verse is in the book of Matthew. Yeah, thats right Matthew, this is the Gospel of the King and His Kingdom. The main emphasis of this book is to declare Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Yet, Jesus always seems to march to the beat of a different drum. The whole world was crazed with the idea of a king who comes with power and control. (Has anything really changed?) Jesus kingdom though is going to consist of those who have lives that are marked with a servant's heart. This was, and is His heart, even in the midst of talking about His kingdom.

What was even wilder to me though is  the flow of the next chapter.  Look at these verses that follow in chapter 20.

1. Matt. 20:16 So the last will be first, and the first last.

2. Matt. 20:17-19 Jesus will tell His disciples how he must be mocked, and flogged and crucified and "then" He will be raised on the third day. Our world would call these actions, "strange" even though He is the king of kings.

3. Matt. 20:20-28 The mother of the sons of Zebedee wants her boys to sit on the right hand of Jesus. (Her, and her boys, apparently like us, have not been listening very well.) Once again look what Jesus emphasizes in Matthew 20:26-28, " It shall not be among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be a slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."

4. Then in the same chapter he ends this by proving the point in verses 29-34. Two blind men cry out to the Lord to have mercy on them. The crowd looks down upon them and rebukes them. (They may have thought their blindness was due to some sin. Sounds like other passages in the Gospels when people  would claim handicaps as a judgment from God.) Yet, I love how Jesus looks at these who the crowd claimed as the out cast, notice these three things, that the King of Kings did.
 a. He says, " What do you want me to do for you?" (This is the Servant King of Phil. 2) b. He does this while STOOPING down to their level. (Which is also what He did for us in Phil. 2) c. He heals them. These ones whom the crowd would have never helped or given a moment's notice.

Talk about a rebuke of a chapter. I so often want my glory or my self to be exalted and I act like the sons of Zebedee. Forging ahead I forget that I am to be a servant to all men. I struggle to be first but what good is that even if I achieve it here on earth.The real question is what  good is that in heaven? (Once again according to the book of Phil. its like dung.)

Lord, my lifestyle needs to be one marked with that of a servant's heart. When the world sees that, then, they see the difference of your kingdom lived out before them.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Sweet Immanuel

I had long lived in the darkness, in the land of the dead,
Living like a madman, with all this screaming in my head,
Bound by chains of sin and sorrow, forged by the flames of Hell,
Blinded by the darkness till He came, My sweet Immanuel.

And the only way you find peace is through the one with the nail scarred hands,
And all the treasures that you vainly seek are only found in one man,
And the darkness that we live in can be forgiven by the Lamb,
No longer blinded by the darkness My sweet Immanuel.

The serpent had clearly spoken and to my shame, I had given him my life,
All the promises that he made were all broken, every one in due time,
Acting like the Whore that I was, and like a drunkard with his wine,
I was blinded by the darkness till He came, My sweet Immanuel.

And the only way you find peace is through the one with the nail scarred hands,
And all the treasures that you vainly seek are only found in one man,
And the darkness that we live in can be forgiven by the Lamb,
No longer blinded by the darkness My sweet Immanuel.

I still can’t believe His Grace shown to this Child of Hell,
The chains that once had bound me, because of His blood no longer dwell,
The darkness has been vanquished and now I can clearly see,
No longer blinded by the darkness since He came, My sweet Immanuel.

And the only way you find peace is through the one with the nail scarred hands,
And all the treasures that you vainly seek are only found in one man,
And the darkness that we live in can be forgiven by the Lamb,
No longer blinded by the darkness, My sweet Immanuel,
Yes, I am no longer blinded by the darkness because of My sweet Immanuel. 
(ISAIAH 7:14)
Yes, I am no longer blinded by the darkness because of My sweet Immanuel.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Name of Jesus

Something that I have told teens, young adults and older ones through the years is how it amazes me how that we can talk with the majority of people all day long about God. When I do this I am always reminded of how easy the conversation can be and how non-threating. Yet, the moment I start to use the name of Jesus, when I talk about the God man, note how quickly the conversation changes.

For the believer I sense an ease, or even a joy that seems to come at that moment. It's like introducing an old friend into the conversation. For the unbeliever though it's something entirely different. Often a change in conversation seems to be soon at hand. Nerves are sometimes set on edge. Sometimes the talk now changes to even anger.

God is one issue but Jesus that is an entirely different subject. I believe that Jesus is the God man that we read about in John 1:1 and John 1:14. He is not the Father but He is God by His very own words. That name though Jesus offends and I believe that the reason it offends is found in Philippians 2:9-11 "Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." When that name is used there will always be this truth, at this name every knee will one day bow. It does not matter whether saved or not.

No other name has or ever will bring more controversy, more passionate arguments and more emotions.This is the name that will divide families apart This is the name though that alone can bring peace and hope to a dying world.  This is the name that the angels will sing forth through out all of eternity. This is the name that I will forever be more then happy to speak of at all times. This is the name above all names and the name Jesus will always be the sweetest name I know.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Joy Of Music

One of the greatest gifts that our Father has bestowed upon us is that of music. Good music will always flesh out a story for us and after all isn't that what our lives are. Stories. Each person represents a story played out before others and before our God. The joy, the tragedy, and the humor all of these things makeup the stories of our life. The most important part though of any story will be that of Redemption.

Usually once a year I take some time out to listen to Handel's Messiah. My emotions are swept up as I hear the words of scripture put to music. I hear the prophecies, the birth, the death, the resurrection and so many other events of the life of Christ. I am drained when I listen to it all and am reminded of this wonderful savior.

It doesn't stop there though. My heart grows closer to the Lord as I listen to the words of Rich Mullins, Keith Green and Steve Camp and I have to ask myself am I as close to Jesus as I need to be. The harmonies of music that still haunt me as I listen to the Cathedral Quartet, Selah, Phillips Craig and Dean, Mercy Me or the old gospel groups The Soul Stirrers and The Blind Boys of Alabama. I love voices that sound as though they have seen it all and came out better for it like Ashley Cleveland, Glenn Kaiser and Mac Powell from the Christian Rock Group Third Day.

Closing my eyes I love to hear harmonies flow without instruments like the groups of Acappella, many of Glad's recordings, the Issac's or even Take 6. I enjoy the pleasure of how music can bring such joy with groups like the Newsboys, Kutless, Thousand Foot Krutch, and Need to Breathe. The ones that very few people know but are more then worth the hearing like Joy Whitlock, Three Crosses, or Mark Heard. So many hues and colors in telling the story of all stories.

Now as I have grown older there are some of the non-Christian music artist that I love. There truly was a day when I believed that if it did not talk about Jesus it was worthless. Yet, the scriptures also talk to us about the issues of marriage, loneliness, money, friendships gained, and friendships lost. I am reminded though of how sometimes the unsaved world gets it. Though I would not agree with several of George Jones songs I am still reminded of the truth that he shares when he sings about, "how we are living and dying by the choices we make."

The group U2 and the album the Joshua Tree still has some of the most haunting lyrics of all time. We as believers and followers of the Lamb should take a listen. The soul of a man as Joe Coker or Ray Charles sings of loss and joy. The lonesome cries of a 29 year old boy from Alabama who seemed to never see the light that he sang about. Sometimes we need to hear their cries and their pleasure in this life that God has given to all men.

Though I love many of these groups and enjoy them. My greatest joy is to hear the songs about the one who loves me most. I want to sing forth His praises, He is my bridge over troubled waters, my shelter in a time of storm and because of this I will daily sing of My Redeemer.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I know that it is hard for some people to believe but there was a time when football just did not seem to appeal to me anymore. Maybe it was in my freshmen year of high school when coach sent me out to be the first one to run through the paper hoop. I was pumped and excited about the whole experience that was about to take place. Yet, it did not turn out the way that I thought it would. You see I was the smallest kid in the school at that time. Even more humiliating was to know that all the girls in my class were taller. So when I ran through the hoop I heard words that no FOOTBALL player would ever want to hear. I could hear many of them saying, Isn't he CUTE. Think about that, the words FOOTBALL and CUTE are never to be used in the same sentence. There is nothing cute about football. I finished the season and that was that. So for several years other then the Arkansas and Texas football with my Dad. I just didn't care what happened with football.

This went on for several years. Of course, when I got surrounded by the guys, I put on my best effort to sound like I cared ,but it was all for show. That was, until I begin to hear a name called WALTER and then everything changed. In those early years the Bears seemed to be constantly using him on every down. I began to watch him on TV and could not understand how a man could run like he did and even more incredible here was a running back who never backed down but blocked and hit better then most. It was because of his shear will that I began to follow the legendary Bears. I became fascinated how any man could play the game. Names and legends began to fill my mind. There was something awesome about men who would take a stand or fight for just one more yard of ground. What a game.

As I have gotten older my respect for good football has grown even more. It reminds me of the Christian walk and how it is so often faced with trials, bruises, war and hurt. Yet as a believer I have to get up and go at it everyday, face these issues and gain ground for the kingdom of God. I love to watch my Bears play and above all to watch them win. Even more though I want to play in this game of life and offer all I have got on this field of life to my Savior Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sermon Player -


May your eyes see Jesus only,
     May your lips speak of him always,
         And may you run the race bravely,
           And let your light so shine.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Romans 8:26

What a great quiet time I had in the Word today. I just wanted to share with others about one of my favorite verses in all of the Bible. Romans 8:26 says the following from the ESV. 

Romans 8:26 ( ESV )

26Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 

 Each and every word in this verse still speaks tons towards me. The Spirit of God who resides in me wants to help me in my weakness. Both in mind, spirit and physical. The BKC says that the word for help here is the word that is used for one who carries a burden for someone. Jesus said that He would be my burden carrier. Psalms 55:22, Matthew 11:29-30 and 1 Peter 5:7 I am such a weak man in so many areas of my Christian walk and yet, He is there to carry my burden.

Lord I truly am ignorant the majority of the time on what is best for me and others in my prayer life. I confess my arragoncy at times when I think I know exactly what you would have me to do and so often am wrong. God, I pray, allow your Spirit to guide me in my prayer life for often I do not know what is best for myself, others and the situations of life.

You intercede for me. My go between. You act as my Attorney and are speaking for me when I don't even know what is best for me. I am guilty and yet, you are willing to stand for me. What unmerited love is this. The Son of God lives to make intercession for me. Hebrews 7:25

Groaning for me. Like one who is in straits. The Spirit of God is in such deep intercesion for me it is like one who is groaining and moaning in pain for me. It is so hard to believe just how much you want what is best for me as an individual. I am not alone in my sufferings, trials and day to day struggles you are right there alongside of me through it all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Various readings, endings and interesting things.

Well, today has already been a day of phone calls, prayer and tons of little things that I need to get done before our youth meeting  tonight. On the nightly reading schedule I have been doing a lot of catching up on my Ted Dekker stuff. So far in the last 2 1/2 weeks I have read Burn and Immanuel's Veins and about a third of the way through on the book Kiss. I don't always agree, but I love how Dekker writes and keeps me entranced by his story lines. Very few Christian writers esp. those of the fiction kind write as well. (I  also finished up the book 101 uses for a dead cat and finishing up on a book dealing with the Will of God.)

I'm getting close to finishing up our series on the Life of Peter as we are dealing with the resurrection accounts. I love Peter and his fire for the  honor of the Lord. When I look at him I am reminded of how the Lord wants to use us even though many times we are own worst enemy. After we finish that series up we will once again get back into the book of Matthew.

It's hard to believe just how beautiful the weather here is right now. This is the time of year that I love about Louisiana the most. The beauty of a nice warm day, (note warm not hot) and the coolness of the night.

One of the interesting things I have noted in many of the churches that we have looked into in our search for a new ministry is under their qualifications just how few put in their qualifications he needs to be a man of prayer. As noted earlier I struggle with being constant in prayer so I humble myself when I say these words. I also though believe that this is where we are sadly lacking. We as pastors can have all the education, (which is needed) all the study tools, and all the speaking ability in the world but without prayer we will never have the power of God resting upon our shoulders and within our lives.

One last thing, I looked at one of my old teen's facebook sites and he quoted this great quote from C.H. Spurgeon that I have always loved. "Oh my brothers and sisters in Christ, if sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies and if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay, and no madly destroying themselves. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for."