Friday, May 30, 2014

Whatever happened to sin? The issue of Holiness.

This will be the first in a short series dealing with the subject of Sin. One of the biggest reasons why we do not talk about sin as much as we once did is that we have ceased to talk much about God's holiness.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Traps Spiritual Leadership should avoid

     Here are a few things that I have noticed that for those of us who are in spiritual leadership positions that we should be careful about in our walks. I believe that these are some of the big traps that we can fall into if we are not careful.

·         The sin of Pride.

·         We must know EVERYTHING about our people. We should be careful to observe the flock and know of its need. Sometimes though I believe as leaders we need to be careful that we do not become a part of the rumor mill. We are to observe, care, rebuke and challenge but we are never to rely on rumors without confronting the individuals. This can lead to an almost paranoia in our thinking about those whom God has called us to minister to.

·         We are to be teachable. As leaders we must remember that we are still learning and growing as well. We are under shepherds to the Great Shepherd of all. We also need to have a watchful eye that we do not begin to look down upon other leaders who might have more or less education then we do.

·         Anger.

·         We must be in control of everything and every detail of the church.

·         Following the newest trend rather than simply preaching the Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work in the hearts of men.

·         We do not want to OFFEND. Scripture makes it clear that we should be careful with what we say, yet it also is just as clear about the fact that the Gospel will OFFEND some but we are still to share it boldly and with compassion.

·         Immorality. As we come closer to his appearing we know that this will even increase more for as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when the Son of Man appears.

·         Lastly, we must be careful with the sins of our own hearts. Jesus’ harshest confrontations with the Pharisees were when He brought up to them that what they thought and dwelt upon could be just as sinful as that which they physically would do.

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Dress

When Julie and I first got married we observed some couples in our lives who were great examples of marriage. We saw their love and devotion for one another and we wanted to apply some of their principles to our marriage.

One of those couples, the Hodges were older but their devotion for one another was truly amazing. Often when we would go back to Gravette, Clyde and his wife would have us over for coffee. Their laughter, respect and concern for one another always encouraged us to be better. They were the truest of friends, towards us and such a godly example.

Then when Clyde's wife died we saw what it was to go through the valley. He loved his Jesus so very much through it all but we knew how he missed her so.  He had given up many of her things but he still had kept a few clothes to remind him of the love of his life. It was upon thinking of them both today why I wrote the following poem.

The Dress
The dress still hangs on the rod in a room where he has not slept in for almost two years,
He wakes up on the couch as the morning sun warms his face,
He knows that time keeps moving and that he must keep going on,
Gets inside the car, begins to weep as the radio plays their song.

I know there’s a heaven,
And one day I will meet her there,
But I still see her dancing in the dress,
And miss how the sunshine played in her hair.

Cup of coffee in the evening he forgets as he makes her a cup once again,
The kids are coming over and try to get him out of the house for a while,
They smile at him, holding his hand they go out the door,
But the sparkle in their eyes reminds him so much of her.

I know there’s a heaven,
And one day I will meet her there,
But I still see her dancing in the dress,
And miss how the sunshine played in her hair.

They are gathered around him in the bed He and her had once laid in,
Their tears fall like rain as the three look down upon his face,
They look upon their father the very last time,
Then they see their mother’s dress and know that he will be fine.

And now he is breathing in Heaven,
And on this day he will meet her there,
He can see now see her dancing in the dress,
As he sees how the sunshine plays in her hair,
 Yes, he can now see her dancing in the dress,
 And he sees how the sunshine plays in her hair.